Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 6 of 57

Judge Righteous Judgment

While the world may imply that any judgment is wrong, actually God calls upon his people to exercise righteous judgment. We should not condemn others because we are prone to the same sins as others. We should not judge according to appearance or with hypocrisy or with partiality, but we judge based on the word of God. We discern according to the Holy Spirit and the scriptures to judge righteously, just as Christ is our Righteous Judge.


Bible Reading for 2024

As we begin to make New Year’s Resolutions for the upcoming year in 2024, arguably no resolution is more important than a renewed commitment to the reading and study of God’s word. We hope you will embark with us on this one-year Bible reading plan designed to read your Bible all the way through in the next year.

Click here to view and download a PDF of the 2024 One Year Bible Reading Plan

To aid you in reading God’s word, you might consider downloading this Bible Timeline of the Old and New Testament to place each passage of scripture in the appropriate historical context.

Click here to view and download a PDF of the Biblical Timeline of the Old and New Testament

2024 Glad Tidings

Glad Tidings is a monthly newsletter publication from Elder Larry Wise with both current and historical Primitive Baptist writings to encourage us today.

To subscribe to Glad Tidings by mail or email, find the editor’s contact information on Page 2 of each newsletter.

Click the links below to read and download each month’s Glad Tidings Newsletter.

January 2024 Glad Tidings

February 2024 Glad Tidings

March 2024 Glad Tidings

April 2024 Glad Tidings

May 2024 Glad Tidings

June 2024 Glad Tidings

July 2024 Glad Tidings

Learning Obedience Through Suffering

Jesus Christ has perfect knowledge and is perfectly obedient to God the Father, but yet as the Son of man he learned obedience through suffering, setting an example for his people to follow. Suffering is a beneficial class where we can learn humility, obedience, and submission to God’s will. We can fellowship with Christ in sufferings in a way we cannot during prosperity and ease. Let us value the blessing of suffering to learn the lessons God will have for us during those hard trials in our lives.


The End of Our Conversation

With the minister setting the example for the whole church, we find that the end of our conversation – our entire manner of life – should be anchored in the immutable nature of God – Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. The stabilizing truth of Christ’s immutable nature is a bedrock in the midst of trials, tempest, and inevitable change in our lives.

Preached at Tyler PBC (Tyler, TX) on 12/17/2023


Spirit Quickens, Flesh Profits Nothing

Jesus affirmed during his message on the doctrines of grace that it’s the Spirit that quickens, the flesh can have not involvement or profit in the means of regeneration. Many times today in Christianity we hear people calling upon the man to perform some action to be saved. However, since our flesh profits nothing, is enmity with God, and has no ability to be subject to God’s law, how then can we perform any action be saved? Jesus Christ affirms the sovereignty of God in regeneration with no action or profit from our flesh.


Book of Nehemiah

From July to December 2023, Pastor David preached through the book of Nehemiah. God providentially moves Nehemiah to press through an effectual, open door to rebuild the broken-down walls of Jerusalem. Despite all the attacks of Satan, Nehemiah and the Jews overcame all these obstacles and completed the rebuilding of the wall in record time in only 52 days. We examine the pattern of Nehemiah for how we ought to be kingdom builders and overcome our adversaries through faith in Jesus Christ.


Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.

Introduction to Nehemiah

Prayer for Mercy & Restoration – Nehemiah 1:1-11

The Good Hand of God – Nehemiah 2:1-8

Honest Evaluation of our Broken Walls – Nehemiah 2:9-20

Rebuilding our Individual Portion of the Wall – Nehemiah 3:1-32

Overcoming External Adversaries & Persecution – Nehemiah 4:1-12

The Sword & The Trowel – Nehemiah 4:13-23

Overcoming Internal Division – Nehemiah 5:1-19

Overcoming Distractions, Slander & Fear – Nehemiah 6:1-19

Idolizing the Good Old Days – Nehemiah 7:1-73

Nehemiah’s New Testament Worship Service – Nehemiah 8:1-8

The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength – Nehemiah 8:9-18

For Thy Great Mercies’ Sake – Nehemiah 9

Deja Vu All Over Again – Nehemiah 10-13

A Form of Godliness, Part 1 – Malachi

A Form of Godliness, Part 2 – Malachi

The Lord’s Book of Fellowship – Malachi 3:16-18


Click here to purchase a book on this topic, Rebuild: Discipleship Lessons from Nehemiah by Bryce Lowrance.

The Lord’s Book of Fellowship

In the midst of a dark and cold spiritual environment, the children of light should gravitate to fellowship together. The Lord takes special note when those who fear his name speak often one to another and think on his name. When we fellowship together with fellow believers who fear the Lord, then we have fellowship ultimately with Jesus Christ. May we invite the fellowship of Jesus Christ into our families, churches, and friendships by fellowship with those who fear the Lord.


For This Child I Prayed: A Pastor’s Counsel to Couples Trying to Conceive

The struggle of couples trying to conceive and have children is one of the most difficult seasons of life and marriage. When we might see others around us conceiving much easier, it is hard to not let unfulfillment, jealousy, and bitterness creep into our mind. We know that we are supposed to be content in whatever state we are in, but contentment is a great challenge for the barren couple. We wonder why the Lord has not blessed us with the answer to our prayers, and most of the time we will never receive a perfect answer to that question. Scripture affirms the barren womb is never satisfied, and some women preferred death to barrenness. The struggle, grief, and burden of soul is deep. We hope to be able to consider this topic from the word of God and receive balm from the scriptures of both God’s sovereignty and his tender care towards his children struggling through this season of life and marriage.

Click here to view and download the PDF outline of For This Child I Prayed: A Pastor’s Counsel to Couples Trying to Conceive Study Guide.

A Form of Godliness, Part 2

Examining the lukewarm, pretense of religion in Nehemiah’s latter day, we see an irreverent religious culture that saw no problem with giving God the leftovers and scraps instead of the best they had. The irreverent generation of that day closely resembles Christianity in our time as well. We need to be fervent to give God the very best we have in worship and in every area of our lives, to do everything heartily as unto the Lord.


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