Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 1 of 62

Unity in the Body of Christ

Maintaining unity in the body of Christ, among the Lord’s lively stones, is a fragile and challenging endeavor. As we are each attempting to walk worthy of our individual vocation, how do we walk worthy in unity as a church body? We must unify under the common banner of Christ, of one Lord, one faith, and one baptism and endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace together.


Walking Worthy of Your Vocation

Based on all the spiritual blessings that we have been given in Christ – election, predestination, adoption, redemption, regeneration, and reconciliation – how should we walk in our lives? We should walk worthy of the holy calling, the vocation that the Lord has called us to in the new birth. We are given very specific areas of life and specific instructions throughout the rest of the Ephesian epistle for how we are to walk worthy of our holy calling in service to our Lord.


Exceeding Abundantly Above

With God all things are possible. There is nothing too hard for the Lord. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above even the highest capacity that we can even ask or think. May we never dilute or diminish the powerful movement and manifestation of God’s power in the lives of his people. When we encounter challenges in our health, in relationships, or even in the church, when we pray we need to pray with the faith that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or even think.


The Spirit of Truth

Even though Jesus Christ was going away, he told the disciples it was expedient, even advantageous for him to go away, because he would send the Holy Comforter, the Spirit of truth to come unto them. The Holy Spirit reproves and rebukes this world of sin, righteousness and judgment. The Spirit of truth guides us into all truth by upholding the word of God, which is the truth of the Lord, inspired by the Spirit and blessed to be preaching by the Spirit of truth.


Strengthened with Might in the Inner Man

The desire for the Lord and the prayer for pastors after God’s heart is for the church to be strengthened with might (power) in their inner man. Ultimately our inner spiritual health is of the utmost priority for the church. Our outer man will perish, became weary and faint, but the power of Christ can rise up in our hearts and raise up and revive our heart in the inner man. One of the primary ways we are wafted up on eagle’s wings to soar above the struggles of the outer man, is by meditating on the 4-dimensional love of God towards his people.


The Comforter in Persecution

It is inevitable for the disciple of Christ in this world that we will have some degree of persecution in our life – ranging from reviling all the way up to martyrdom. We should not be surprised when this happens because if the world hated Jesus Christ our Lord, we should expect the world will hate the disciples of Christ. In the midst of that persecution, the Lord has promised to send his Holy Comforter to encourage us in the midst of those trying times.


Passionately Pursuing the Heart of God

God is actively looking and seeking out those whose heart is perfect, loyal, and at peace with him to show himself strong on their behalf. We consider together where can we find the heart of God? We find the heart of God, in Christ, in his word, in his house, and among his pastors. We attempt to follow the pattern of David, a man after God’s own heart, to passionately pursue the heart of God in our daily lives.


A Ravished Heart

As we set our goals for a new year, our greatest pursuit should be to fall in love more fervently with Jesus Christ. If our hearts or minds have become cold or complacent, we need to pray for God to renew our love of Christ with all our heart, soul, and mind. We need to be excited to seek and pursue the voice of our beloved in worship, singing, prayer, preaching, fellowship, and personal devotion.


Less Than the Least of All Saints

Paul was chosen and called as the primary apostle of the Gentiles. Despite his burden for his kindred among the Jews, Paul sacrificed for the Gentiles and the hope of the gospel. He viewed himself as less than the least of all the saints of God. He showed the example that humility is the first prerequisite to be used in the kingdom of God. Those that walk in pride, the Lord is able to abase.


Chosen to Love

The Lord has chosen out his people and ordained them to bring forth much fruit for God’s glory. The primary fruit we bring forth is loving one another. We were chosen by God to love one another. We are called to love one another the same way that Christ has loved us and God is glorified when we bring forth much fruit in fervently loving one another.


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