Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 1 of 58

Working of Christ’s Mighty Power In Us

It is a great mystery that we can never fully comprehend this side of heaven, Christ in you the hope of glory. The power of Christ resides inside of us, but also works in and through us. Our challenge on a daily basis is to allow the power of Christ to walk in and through us, even in the midst of our weakness.


A Pastor’s Prayer for the Sheep

The Apostle Paul shows a pastor’s heart of prayer for the sheep. The pastor, as the undershepherd of the Lord’s sheep, is charged with the spiritual health of the church he is called to serve. The pastor is called to pray for the sheep to grow in knowledge of Jesus Christ, for the eyes of their understanding being enlightened, to know more of God’s power in us, and to learn more about God’s incomprehensible love for his sheep.


Happiness at the Saints’ Feet

If we follow the example of Jesus Christ in humbling ourselves to bown down and wash the saints’ feet, we have been promised blessed happiness by the Lord. What is vitally important is maintaining a humble posture of the heart to follow Christ in being a servant of others, rather than being served by other people in the church.


Sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise

For the child of God that has heard the gospel of their salvation, when they believe and trust in the Lord, there is a special sealing of the Holy Spirit of promise in their heart. Instead of conviction and burden and yoke of bondage, the gospel provides peace, liberty, and comfort through the powerful effects of justification by faith.


The Mystery of God’s Will

There have been many children of God that have not had access and knowledge to the fullness of God’s will in choosing, predestinating, and redeeming his people from their sins. Now, in the New Testament kingdom, God has fully revealed his will for us to know what he has done for us, that we would praise and glorify the Lord for his grace.


Redemption Through Christ’s Blood

Adam’s breaking of the law plunged all of mankind into condemnation under penalty of the law of sin and death. We were all cast into captivity and bondage to death. Christ came to redeem us from the bondage of death and liberated us from that captivity by his own death and shedding of his blood. We have redemption and forgiveness only through the blood of Jesus Christ.


Sir, We Would See Jesus

We can certainly learn from the example of the zealous Greeks who came to Jerusalem seeking to see Jesus Christ. They made the sacrifice to seek Jesus, whereas other chief rulers did not confess Christ publicly because they loved the praise of men, more than the praise of God. When we lose our life in service to Christ, we find the fullness of true life, the abundant life in Christ in the kingdom of God.


Praise of the Glory of Christ’s Grace

Why did God elect and predestinate his people? So that his children would praise and glorify God for his grace. We were created for the purpose of the glory of God. Even if God gave us no providential blessings, just election and predestination and salvation are worthy of us glorifying God all the time for his unmerited favor in our lives, both in time and eternity.


Predestinated Unto the Adoption of Children

God has predetermined that his children would be legally adopted into the family of the Lord. We consider the Roman law of adoption to glean the spiritual lessons that the Ephesians would have received from hearing adoption. God’s children can never be removed from his family, and when the Lord returns he shall complete the final phase of adoption, the redemption of his children’s bodies.


Predestinated Unto the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

When considering predestination, it is helpful to view things through the eyes and perspective of Jesus Christ. When Christ chose to love his bride, the church, before the world began, he saw his bride in her final, perfect state at the marriage supper of the Lamb, holy and without blemish before him in love. There was a lot that had to happen to clean up this bride to be perfect at that day, but Christ has been eagerly anticipating the marriage supper of the Lamb since before the world began, and we early anticipate that day as well.


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