Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

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Recent sermons from Macedonia PBC from Pastor David Wise and certain other visiting ministers.

Redemption Through Christ’s Blood

Adam’s breaking of the law plunged all of mankind into condemnation under penalty of the law of sin and death. We were all cast into captivity and bondage to death. Christ came to redeem us from the bondage of death and liberated us from that captivity by his own death and shedding of his blood. We have redemption and forgiveness only through the blood of Jesus Christ.


Sir, We Would See Jesus

We can certainly learn from the example of the zealous Greeks who came to Jerusalem seeking to see Jesus Christ. They made the sacrifice to seek Jesus, whereas other chief rulers did not confess Christ publicly because they loved the praise of men, more than the praise of God. When we lose our life in service to Christ, we find the fullness of true life, the abundant life in Christ in the kingdom of God.


Praise of the Glory of Christ’s Grace

Why did God elect and predestinate his people? So that his children would praise and glorify God for his grace. We were created for the purpose of the glory of God. Even if God gave us no providential blessings, just election and predestination and salvation are worthy of us glorifying God all the time for his unmerited favor in our lives, both in time and eternity.


Predestinated Unto the Adoption of Children

God has predetermined that his children would be legally adopted into the family of the Lord. We consider the Roman law of adoption to glean the spiritual lessons that the Ephesians would have received from hearing adoption. God’s children can never be removed from his family, and when the Lord returns he shall complete the final phase of adoption, the redemption of his children’s bodies.


Predestinated Unto the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

When considering predestination, it is helpful to view things through the eyes and perspective of Jesus Christ. When Christ chose to love his bride, the church, before the world began, he saw his bride in her final, perfect state at the marriage supper of the Lamb, holy and without blemish before him in love. There was a lot that had to happen to clean up this bride to be perfect at that day, but Christ has been eagerly anticipating the marriage supper of the Lamb since before the world began, and we early anticipate that day as well.


Hosanna to the King

In Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem five days before the passover, we see the Son of God entering meekly into the city on a donkey. We first learn the importance of simple acts of obedience by the owner of that donkey, giving up his animal for the Lord had need of him. Then, we see the beautiful scene of the crowd crying Hosanna, a prayer for salvation, to the King who was coming to save his people from their sins.


Predestinated Unto Christ’s Image

As we turn our hearts towards glorification and the resurrection, we see the vision of Christ of his bride before the world began. Christ saw his bride in her ultimate perfection even before the foundation of the world, even through there was a lot that had to happen for that bride to be in perfection with Christ at the end of time. Ultimately, our souls are conformed unto Christ’s image in regeneration and our bodies shall be conformed to Christ’s image in glorificaiton, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.


Down at the Feet of Jesus

We consider the example of Mary who just before Jesus’ death anointed his body for the burying with an immeasurably valuable ointment. Mary chose that good part down at the feet of Jesus that would not be taken away from her. She did what she could – she gave the Lord the best she had – and Jesus commended her to spoken of as a memorial in all the church and kingdom.


Election, Chosen in Christ

While the doctrine of election is much disparaged in Christianity today, we consider together the beautiful truth of God’s unconditionally choosing a people to save before the foundation of the world. When we see the totally depraved condition man was in by nature, dead corpses, dead babies, and broken vessels, our only response should be to glorify God for his grace in electing a people to save to his glory.


The Milk of the Word

In the beginning verses of Ephesians – as well as the beginning of many New Testament epistles – we find the first and pinnacle spiritual blessing we have in Christ, which is election. Election has been pushed to the backburner in Christianity today and has been overlooked by telling people that it doesn’t apply to them. Instead, election – that God chose you before the world began by his unconditional grace – is the milk of the word that allows us to grow properly to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called.


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