Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

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Recent sermons from Macedonia PBC from Pastor David Wise and certain other visiting ministers.

The Milk of the Word

In the beginning verses of Ephesians – as well as the beginning of many New Testament epistles – we find the first and pinnacle spiritual blessing we have in Christ, which is election. Election has been pushed to the backburner in Christianity today and has been overlooked by telling people that it doesn’t apply to them. Instead, election – that God chose you before the world began by his unconditional grace – is the milk of the word that allows us to grow properly to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called.


Come Forth & Then Loose Him

From the resurrection of Lazarus, we see a real-life example to teach the spiritual lesson of regeneration and then subsequent conversion and discipleship. Jesus did not ask the dead man to come unto him, but Lazarus was quickened and drawn forth out of the grave solely by the voice of the Son of God. However, after given life, he still had graveclothes that restricted his vision and mobility. He was dependent upon other faithful people in the church to help remove the grave closes so he could see, walk, and run in the way he was called to by Jesus Christ.


Investing in the Kingdom of God

Visiting minister Elder Kenneth Nowell encourages us to invest in the kingdom of God, to lay up treasures in heaven, not on the earth. We are prone to pursue accumulating wealth in a worldly sense, but true riches are in the kingdom of heaven, when we sacrifice the comforts of this world for the Lord and his church.


The Church In Its First Love, Part 2

One generation after the amazing establishment of the Ephesian church, the church had left its first love and was in danger of loosing their candlestick. In a historical background of the Ephesian church, we examine the early days of the church and what a church in its first love doing the first works looks like in action.


I Am The Resurrection & The Life

Before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, he declared I am the resurrection and the life. Jesus is the source of all life, of all revival, of any resurrection. There might be circumstances in our lives that we feel are dead and past any ability to be revived – a dead relationship, a dead marriage, a dead church, or any other situation with no life. If we pray believing in Jesus as the life, while submitting to God’s will, we can see a special manifestation of the glory of God when we believe in Jesus as the life with the ability to resurrect any dead situation.


The Church In Its First Love

In beginning to examine the Ephesian church, we look at the establishment of the church and what a church in its first love looks like. Just one generation after the start of the Ephesian church, they had left their first love and were called to repent and return to the first works. We examine the amazing movement of the Holy Spirit in Ephesus when the church began which shows what a church in its first love looks like.


The Only Begotten Son

On this Father’s Day, we think about the depth of love between God the Father and Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God. The love of God towards his Son is truly indescribable. God the Father was even willing to bruise the Son he loved so much for his people, the bride of Christ, to be redeemed to live with God in heaven. Also, the Son joyfully endured the suffering of the cross for the joy of his bride in heaven with him at his second coming.


Sickness Unto the Glory of God

It is sometimes very confusing when God seems to wait in answering prayers, or even if it’s not in accordance with his will to answer our prayers in the way we expect. Many people were perplexed that Jesus waited when his beloved friend Lazarus was sick and ultimately died. However, even though it did not make sense for 4 days, Jesus declared this sickness was ultimately unto the glory of God. Just as with many circumstances in our lives, in hindsight we can see the glory of God even when we have to endure sufferings.


Seeking the Pearl of Great Price

The kingdom of God is the pearl of great price that is worthy of selling all that we have to possess that pearl. This parable presents a merchant man who is well versed in beautiful jewels, but he’s still seeking something better than what he has. What is it about our church that will convince someone that this pearl is worthy of selling all they have to possess that pearl? In our churches, they should find a greater experience and fellowship with Jesus Christ than they do anywhere else.


Kingdom Field Maintenance

When we find the treasure hidden in a field in the kingdom of heaven, we have to buy the whole field to possess the treasure. This field is not a beautiful, smooth, green meadow with a trickling brook. Instead, this field of the kingdom usually has some stumps, stones, and holes that need to be taken care of. We have to be diligent to maintain regular routine maintenance of the field in the kingdom of heaven, otherwise thorns and thistles will grow up to choke out the fruit in the kingdom.


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