Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 51 of 57

Questions & Answers for Parents to Children Book

Questions and Answers to Parents for Children was authored by Joshua Winslett in 2014.

Questions and Answers is a Primitive Baptist catechism and family worship aid from a sovereign grace perspective. It is written in a traditional catechism format. This short work discusses various biblical topics that children might ask their parents. It includes an introductory essay on family worship, instruction on how to use a catechism, questions, answers, verse references, and essays on the doctrines of grace.

Click here to purchase a book copy of Questions & Answers for Parents to Children

Expository Books

Click on the links below to purchase books written by Primitive Baptist authors in an expository, verse-by-verse format from each book of the Bible.

Nehemiah – Rebuild! Discipleship Lessons from Nehemiah, by Bryce Lowrance

Esther – The Writings of Elder John Respess, by John Respess

Habakkuk – A Primitive Baptist Perspective on Habakkuk, by Joshua Winslett

Matthew 5-7 – The Sermon on the Mount, by Michael Gowens

Luke – The Gospel of Luke, by Michael Gowens

John – Exposition of the Gospel of John, by Michael Gowens

Acts – Study Notes on the Book of Acts, by Benjamin Winslett

Romans – Romans: Theological Masterpiece (Volume 1), by Joe Holder

Romans – Romans: Theological Masterpiece (Volume 2), by Joe Holder

Galatians – A Primitive Baptist Perspective on Galatians, by Joshua Winslett

Galatians – Comments on Galatians, by Harold Hunt

Ephesians – Comments on Ephesians, by Harold Hunt

Philippians – Comments on Philippians, by Harold Hunt

1st & 2nd Timothy & Titus – The Pastoral Epistles, by Michael Gowens

Hebrews – Hebrews: Expository Essays Series, by Michael Gowens

1st Peter – Lessons from 1st Peter, by Joe Holder

1st Peter – The Exhortations of Peter, by JC Stanaland

2nd Peter – An Exhortation to Good Behavior, by JC Stanaland

1st John – Expository Essays on 1st John, by Michael Gowens

Revelation 2-3 – The Seven Churches of Asia, by Michael Gowens

Revelation – Revelation: Images of Redemptive History, by Joe Holder

Devotional Books

Click on the links below to purchase devotional books written by Primitive Baptist authors to aid in your daily study of God’s word.

Day by Day: 365 Daily Readings on Biblical Themes, by Ralph Harris

Walking with God, by Ralph Harris

Family Devotions with Helpful Hints for Parents, by Neil Phelan

Daily Meditations, by Dolph Painter

Biblical Jewels: Volume 1, by JC Stanaland

Biblical Jewels: Volume 2, by JC Stanaland

Exposition of John 6

These messages were delivered by Pastor David on the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast from August to November 2018. In John 6, after performing two notable miracles, Jesus begins to unapologetically preach the sovereignty of God in salvation. Jesus preached the doctrines of grace and many went away, being offended by their depravity and God’s sovereignty. However, the apostles saw these beautiful truths as the words of eternal life and rejoiced in this message. I trust we can rejoice in these truths of God’s sovereignty in salvation as the words of eternal life.

Recommended Primitive Baptist Book Resources

To purchase great books and additional resources from Primitive Baptist writers, follow the links below: – 40 different books and titles from Primitive Baptist authors published by Sovereign Grace Publications – 23 different books and titles from Primitive Baptist authors published by March To Zion Publications

PBHC – 20 different books, hymn books, and titles from Primitive Baptist authors published by Primitive Baptist Heritage Corporation

Worship the King – Books and hymnals published by the Worship the King Hymnal Corporation

Books by Neil Phelan Jr – Books authored by Neil Phelan Jr and available on Amazon

Mercy Instead of Justice

“For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.” (Romans 9:15-16)

In the midst of this chapter declaring God’s sovereignty in election and salvation, we find this profound exaltation of the mercy and compassion of God. Sometimes we get an idea in our minds that we deserve a lot more than we truly do. The truth is that we don’t deserve anything other than the wrath of God, and anything less or better than that is in God’s holy hand to disperse or withhold, according to his own will. When we consider what we truly deserve, that should make us ever more grateful for what we have been freely given by the Lord.

Be Ready to Answer Book

Be Ready To Answer was written by Michael Gowens, and a revised edition was released in 2011.

Be Ready to Answer is a Christian apologetic for the person in the pew, this volume aims to equip both the young and the more mature believer in defending the faith.

Click here to purchase a book copy of Be Ready to Answer

Jesus Stood Still

“And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he [blind Bartimaeus] cried the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called…” (Mark 10:48-49)

As Jesus passed through Jericho, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus cried after the Lord to have mercy on him and heal him. Jesus did not answer him at first and those in Jesus’ crowd told Bartimaeus to hold his peace, to be quiet, to which he responded by crying even more. Jesus took note of the tenacity and persistence of Bartimaeus’ petition. Jesus “stood still” and heard the cries of this beggar. Even when our prayers might not seem to be “getting through” to the Lord, we can always know that Jesus “stands still” to take note of the cries of his children.

One Thing From the Lord

“One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.” (Psalm 27:4)

King David desired one thing from the Lord, and it was to dwell in the house of the Lord all his life. He desired to view the beauty of the Lord in his house as long as he continued to live on this earth. This makes us wonder, what is the “one thing that we would desire of the Lord”? If we could have one petition to offer up the Lord, what would that one thing be? David placed such a priority on public worship that he desired to have the privilege of dwelling and serving and worshipping in the Lord’s house all the days of his life. I trust we place that same priority on public worship in the house of the Lord as well.

The King of the Jews

“And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS.” (John 19:19)

Pilate here, like so many events surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, unwittingly declares a great spiritual and doctrinal truth, as he gives Jesus the title of “The King of the Jews”. Jesus was by and large rejected by his own natural kindred, the Jews, during his earthly ministry – “he came unto his own and his own received him not” (John 1:11). However, Jesus was and is the King of not the natural Jews (although some natural Jews are certainly included in the broader Israel of God) but rather Jesus is the only Potentate and King for those spiritual Jews who have received the inward circumcision of the heart and been adopted into God’s chosen family.

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