These messages were delivered by Pastor David on the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast from August to November 2018. In John 6, after performing two notable miracles, Jesus begins to unapologetically preach the sovereignty of God in salvation. Jesus preached the doctrines of grace and many went away, being offended by their depravity and God’s sovereignty. However, the apostles saw these beautiful truths as the words of eternal life and rejoiced in this message. I trust we can rejoice in these truths of God’s sovereignty in salvation as the words of eternal life.
Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.
Feeding of the Five Thousand – John 6:1-14
Jesus Walks on the Water – John 6:15-21
The Work of God – John 6:22-29
The Successful Savior – John 6:30-40
Drawing Power of God – John 6:41-51