In July 2019, myself and four other Primitive Baptist ministers – Charles Kitchens, Paul Blair, Silas Ford, and Derrick Kitchens – traveled to Kenya to preach and teach the word of God to hungering disciples of Christ. Brother Charles and Paul then continued on an additional leg of the trip to preach and teach in Tanzania for another extra week. This was a very blessed trip, and this is a brief account of our preaching trip.
For me personally, this trip was the culmination of an open door provided to us through our radio program, the Gospel of Grace. We had a great and effectual open door to begin a radio program in our local area in Starkville, Mississippi in September 2015. We produce this radio program in conjunction with Macedonia and Sulphur Springs Church, and I share time on the program with Elder Joe Nettles, who is the Pastor of Sulphur Springs Church. After setting up a website for our radio program, in April 2016 Bro Douglas Mandere Onchiri contacted me through our radio website requesting teaching from God’s word. I found out this trip after talking in person, that Bro Douglas read everything on the Gospel of Grace and Macedonia’s website and listened to our messages for 3 months before contacting me, ensuring that our teaching was what he also believed in the Lord. After corresponding with him, I was blessed to find out that Bro Douglas only lived about 50 km from Elder Martin Onyoni outside Kisii, Kenya. Bro Martin Onyoni was very diligent to preach and teach with Bro Douglas’ fellowship for the next few years. In February 2018, Bro Martin Onyoni baptized 18 believers, including Bro Douglas, from the Tendere fellowship into the Primitive Baptist church.
For the last 3 years, Bro Douglas has been diligent to send me messages through WhatsApp with pictures from their worship service on Sunday. He has also sent me many pictures of the children, 37 orphans, that he attempts to care for in his community. Now this brother that I’ve corresponded with for 3 years, I had the privilege to meet in person, to fellowship with him, and to hug those sweet orphans who have filled my message inbox weekly.
The following is a summary of our trip by day:
Tuesday-Wednesday – July 9-10, 2019
We met at Bro Silas Ford’s home on Monday night to have final preparations and to distribute the study materials provided by Bro Vernon Johnson for our bible studies evenly across our suitcases. We flew from Atlanta on an 8-hour flight to Amsterdam. This trip was only my second time flying overall and my first international flight so this was an interesting experience for me on many levels.
We landed in Amsterdam about 6am local time and had some time to explore in the city for a few hours before our flight out at 12pm. We spent a few hours walking around and exploring Amsterdam. It was a very neat city with all the historical architecture and sites, canals and bikes, and had some great Dutch bacon & cheese pancakes.
We flew from Amsterdam to Nairobi, Kenya on another 8-hour flight and arrived in Nairobi at around 10pm. We did not all get our baggage and clear check points until about 11:30pm; our next flight took off at 6:00am the next morning and the local hotels were unreasonable, so we resorted to spending the night in the airport waiting room. However, since they would not let us check bags until the next morning we had to try to sleep in the main entrance area of the domestic terminal instead of at the departure gate which had much better places to lay down. This was a very uncomfortable night, trying to sleep on the hard tile floor in Nairobi, but we had some great time of hard shellin’ in the wee hours of the night that make trips like this so memorable.
Thursday – July 11, 2019
We took a shorter 1-hour flight from Nairobi in the central part of Kenya to Kisumu in the western part of the country, just on the shore of Lake Victoria. When we arrived in Kisumu, we were greeted at the airport by our dear friend Elder Martin Onyoni, who had coordinated and scheduled most of our time in Kenya, and Elder Charles Kenyanjui around 7am.
Bro Martin had arranged for a driver for our appointments throughout our time in Kenya, Mr Stalk. However, when we came out to load our crew into the van to leave the airport, we promptly had a flat tire. We helped Mr Stalk change the flat tire to the spare, and then we went to a tire repair shop in Kisumu where they had our flat tire plugged and we were back on the road in 15 minutes.
After a good breakfast at a nearby hotel, we drove to preach to a group of believers in Oyugis about halfway on our trip from Kisumu south to Kisii. The sign on their door was for Rescue Souls International Ministries but this group had contacted Bro Vernon Johnson just a few weeks before our trip so we adjusted to make two trips with the whole group this Thursday and then for Bro Charles and Paul to return next week again for an additional preaching and teaching time. This group had about 50 people come out and worship when we arrived in the late morning. All five of our group preached to them and they warmly received the messages, clapping and amening many points. This particular group runs a bible class for training ministers and at least 13 of those local ministers that attend that bible class came to our meeting. All of these local ministers expressed their gratitude and thanked us for coming. Although it was evident through our discussions that there are some doctrine and practice errors that need to be addressed, particularly the purpose of the gospel and training of ministers, but they received our preaching with readiness of mind and hope in time they might be fully converted to the truth. The Oyugis group gave us a very kind and unexpected treat as they provided Coca-cola’s and wafer cookies for us and everyone to eat to allow us to fellowship with them further. We trust that God may give increase to this budding seed as many of them gladly received our preaching of the depravity of man and gods sovereignty in salvation.
Also, they presented all 5 of our group with gifts from that fellowship. I received a hand-sewn tablecloth from that sweet group. I will certainly always treasure this kind gift from the Oyugis group. Bro Chrispine Otieno from Oyugis texted this message to Bro Vernon Johnson immediately after our visit: “I saw the witnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ. The gospel the 5 witnesses testified to us was the true gospel brother. I thank God for the great wonderful blessing of God today. May God bless the team of preachers from America.”
As we left, we gave to the Oyugis brethren Bro Vernon’s study materials and also bibles in their native Luo language that Bro Vernon had found on the internet. This gave them time to study on those materials before Bro Paul and Charles would return for a second teaching session the following week. (As a very interesting side note, the Oyugis group is of the Luo tribe which is commonly believed that former President Barack Obama is a true descendant of this tribe. One of the brethren in particular (and two confirmed it) attested that Obama grew up the in Luo tribe and that he knew Obama and his father very well growing up.)
After leaving the Oyugis fellowship, we arrived at the Mash Park Hotel in Kisii around 3pm. During the first 48 hours of the trip, due to plane rides and airport overnight stays, I probably hadn’t even slept more than 2 hours in those last two days, so after supper, I promptly crashed on Thursday to be well prepared for our bible studies to begin the next morning.
Friday – July 12, 2019
At the Mash Park Hotel conference center, we convened beginning at 9am to study the word with local ministers and brethren. We had 60 men attend our bible studies on Friday. We began by Bro Paul Blair leading a discussion on man’s fall in the garden and Total Depravity. After a break, Bro Charles Kitchens taught on the New Birth. We then had lunch and provided sodas and milk and bread for the attendees. In the afternoon, I taught on Unconditional Election and Predestination. In our fourth scheduled session, Bro Silas Ford taught on the Gifts of the Holy Ghost and the Prosperity Gospel. We took questions and answers after each session and closed with our last hour addressing the questions we didn’t have time to answer before. The questions were all very sincere and thoughtful and they responded well to our answers. It was very unique the way they responded to our teaching and certain answers. If they enjoyed a point they would say Amen but would also clap. The whole room began clapping and amening many times during our teaching. After I concluded my lesson on Election, I asked if they had any questions and they all instead began clapping. It was a great and humbling moment, and then they got around to a few more questions regarding election. We were very blessed to have a diverse group of 60 men who attended the meeting on Friday, from many different churches and other denominations, as well as many local Kenyan Primitive Baptists and 3 PB’s from Uganda and 1 PB from Tanzania. After concluding the Bible studies for the day a little before 5pm, we had supper and rested the remainder of the evening.
Saturday – July 13, 2019
We left the Mash Park hotel at about 9:30am to go to the in Tendere PB Fellowship outside the town of Ogembo. Bro Douglas had attended the Bible studies the day before and we had a chance to finally meet him in person. Now on Saturday, we finally had a chance to meet him, his family, and all his church in person and to worship with them. We arrived at about 10:30pm and after meeting with Bro Douglas in his office, we made our way to the church building to begin public worship. Many members of the church had already been assembled and singing songs since our arrival and we joined them. There were at least 80 people at the morning worship, probably as many as 100 due to people going in and out.
We began worship by singing one song, the words and tune of “Be Thou My Everlasting Portion” sang in their native Kisii language. Then Bro Douglas Mandere gave beginning intro’s and welcome for the visitors from America and other parts of Africa. Then he preached a brief message from 1 Sam 20 about The Living God and our life in Christ. Then Bro Douglas had Bro Martin Onyoni introduce all the brethren from other parts of Africa attending that worship, visitors from other parts of Kenya, 3 brethren from Tanzania, and 1 from Uganda who came to worship with us that day. Then, we gave introductions for the visitors from America, with each of us introducing ourselves to the church with Bro Martin Onyoni translating into their Kisii tongue. They then sang two more songs as we prepared for the preaching service.
As we were called upon to preach, I came forth first to give some introductory remarks regarding this Tendere fellowship and our interactions with Bro Douglas the last few years. I exhorted them from James 1:27 to continue to exhibit pure religion and undefiled by caring for the orphans and widows, and keeping ourselves unspotted from the world. Next, Bro Derrick Kitchens preached on God’s sovereignty in the new birth and the Lord as our shepherd, we shall not want. Then, Bro Silas Ford preached a powerful message on “But God”, emphasizing God’s power over all our trials in our life. We concluded the morning service with a song and giving an opportunity for the people to join the church. We had 25 people come forward professing a belief in Jesus Christ and desire to follow his example in baptism. After prayer, we dismissed to the creek for the baptisms.
After Bro Derrick and myself changed clothes, we walked down to the creek for baptism. It was like the old-time depiction of going down to baptism as we walked down a hill to the water, then taking a small path to the left up to the creek, in total about a five minutes walk from the church building. Actually, me and Bro Derrick sang “As I Went Down in the River to Pray” as we walked down together for the baptisms. As we arrived and determined the best way to administer them, the entire rest of the church was singing the whole time. We set up for Bro Derrick and myself to get in the deepest part of the creek and alternate baptisms beside one another. After prayer for blessings upon these new believers, we baptized the 25 who had joined at worship earlier, then one sister felt a burden to be baptized at the creek, so we baptized 26 in total. Then, as we were concluding, one more sister expressed a desire to be baptized but had not brought any change of clothes. Bro Martin Onyoni promised to come back very soon to baptize this sister. Then, we offered prayer, we dismissed to return to the church grounds for lunch that had been provided by the church of chicken and rice. The best I can describe this baptism experience is that the whole baptism scene was almost surreal. This is truly how I envisioned baptisms were in the original first-century church.
The church provided lunch for everyone in the community and the visitors. During this time, after changing clothes, I discussed with Bro Douglas the needs of his church and his needs in caring for 37 orphans. They presented me with a bible in the Kisii language. They also gave me a “tablet” made by the children with the name of the Tendere PB Church on one side with the Kenyan national flag and my name and Macedonia PBC on the other side with the USA flag. Bro Douglas told me now we are all one family and in unity in the Lord and to use an American term, we are “two sides of the same coin”. This was a tremendous gesture of not only their gratitude for our coming and teaching but also of the unity of the Spirit we share in the Lord.
As soon as all this was concluded on Saturday, Bro Douglas and his wife, Disperse, would be leaving on a 6-hour bus ride to Nairobi for a doctors appointment for very severe stomach problems that she has. We assembled our elders, and laid hands upon Sis Disperse to pray for healing and for the doctors to have wisdom to treat her, according to God’s will. When we returned home the next week, Bro Douglas told me the doctors had found nothing wrong with his wife and she was completely recovered. We prayed for this healing specifically during Bro Charles prayer for her and we praise God for answering that prayer and healing this dear sister! This should reemphasize the power of prayer for healing, and that the effectual fervent prayer of righteous men and women does avail much!
Then, we drove down the road (probably about half a mile) to an open-air afternoon preaching appointment that was scheduled. Bro Paul Blair, Charles Kitchens and myself were scheduled to preach in this venue. However, there was a strong rain shower that they knew was coming very soon. We arrived at the open-air meeting site but it began to rain as soon as we arrived. We only had time to do introductions to the group and were not able to preach. The roads in this area are so bad, if we waited till the strong rains fully came, Bro Martin Onyoni was concerned we might not be able to get out at all, so we had to leave quickly to attempt to beat the rain. Each of our 5 America preachers introduced ourselves to them, along with all the other visiting African brethren. We had to leave quickly as the rain picked up. We were blessed to make it back to the main road in Ogembo but the bad dirt roads were deteriorating quickly and we almost fishtailed one time into the ditch but Bro Martin who is very skilled in driving on these bad roads in the rain, corrected the truck before we had a possible wreck into the ditch.
We returned to Kisii town and went to Tusky’s which is essentially the Kenyan Walmart. Aside from the other languages in the labels, and singing in Kisii language over the loudspeakers, they had the same major brands of food and supplies we have in America. It was almost like being back home, but still in Kenya. Then we saw 3 white women in the store, so we had to talk to them. There were literally only 7 white people in the whole store – us 4 plus these 3 women. Turns out these 3 women were from Sam’s Place children’s home that Bro Silas was going to the next day. This made it feel even more like home, go to Walmart and see at least 3 people that you know and visit with them.
We returned to the hotel and it rained for at least 4-5 hours that afternoon. The roads are in such poor condition that a rain that size causes much flooding and makes bad roads almost impassible. That evening we remained in the hotel, with a blessed time of fellowship, and great laughter among our 5 preachers.
Sunday – July 14, 2019
On Sunday, our Lord’s day in Kenya, we met for worship at First PBC of Kisii where Bro Martin Onyoni pastors and it was a joint meeting for all the local Kisii area churches and six local fellowships and the visitors from Uganda, Tanzania, and Kitalee also attended. We were supposed to leave the hotel for the church at 9am but didn’t get off until about 10:15am. This is customary to not be rigid on the time schedule in Africa (they operate on “African time”) which was somewhat refreshing. During our extra hour in the morning, we 5 preachers sang songs in the lobby of the hotel. This singing was a great primer for the worship that day. We arrived at the church in the Nychenga community about 11am. They had about 30 minutes of “pre-singing” where many people were still arriving and then officially began the song service about 11:30am and sang for 30 minutes. The singing was unique and spirited. It’s amazing to listen to these believers sing Rock of Ages, At Calvary, and others that we know in another language, not be able to sing those words but still feel the Spirit so strongly in the worship. Next was introductions of visiting elders and other visitors, this took about 30 minutes. After prayer, we moved to the preaching. Bro Silas Ford preached “God is Light”, I preached “God is Love”, and Bro Derrick Kitchens preached “God with us”. We three preached for about an hour in total. The Spirit blessed the preaching with great power. We dismissed for lunch, with soda and bread. The church building was filled and most of the tent beside the building filled too. We didn’t have a count but I’m sure there were 100+ there for worship.
In the afternoon we sang and then Bro Paul Blair preached on “Jesus is the Way” and then Bro Charles Kitchens preached “Faith for the Way”, both messages were very blessed. After song and prayer, we dismissed for the day. Next, after worship, we visited with Bro Martin’s Dad, Moses, who lived near the church. Bro Moses is a Seventh Day Adventist preacher and 77 years old. It was great to meet and visit with him and discuss his family history. Moses dad and Martin’s grandad lived to be 130 years old and only died in 2005. He had 3 wives and 30 children; he was almost a modern-day Jacob. Moses asked us a lot of questions about the marriage ceremony in our country, and how it differs from Kenya where a husband is legally required to pay a dowry and some marriages are still arranged. Bro Moses was a delightful father in Israel to visit with and had a great sense of humor as he ribbed Bro Paul Blair almost the whole time we were there. We returned to the hotel and ate and rested.
Monday – July 15, 2019
On Monday, Bro Derrick and myself rode with Bro Martin Onyoni to pick up Bro Silas in the morning. Bro Silas left after morning worship on Sunday to visit two schools for deaf orphans in the area. The first one is called Sam’s Place which is north of Kisii. This is a well-established school with good funding who cares for 47 deaf orphans. Bro Silas was spending time with them to examine their operations and then see how he could help the second school Home of Champions near Tabaka which is not as well refined and cares for 20-30 kids for deaf orphans.
We came to Sam’s Place and toured the facility. They are working on improving their water quality and clean water. Other that, I was amazed at how advanced of a facility it was – laptops, overhead projectors, solar power, vo-tech training. This school is better than all public schools and most private schools in Kenya but they only care for deaf orphans. In being introduced to some of the deaf children, Bro Silas spelled out by sign language my name but there will not a designated sign for my name, David. Silas told them to give me a name. My sign was the letter D in sign, with a sweeping motion across my forehead due to my hair. Derrick did not have a sign name either and they gave him a sign of the letter D with a sweeping motion across his face due to his beard. It was a big day for me, I got my official name in sign language.
The second facility we attended for deaf orphans, Home of Champions, had very little funding and thus has many struggles. They have many challenges and Bro Silas evaluated those needs and hopes to help them the improve their water quality, health, and facilities. The children prepared a song in sign for us that Silas interpreted. It was very sweet. Silas met with their director and we interacted with the children. Their facility is in very poor condition but the children were so sweet and kind. This was my first time ever being around deaf children. It was a great experience!
Then, we left and went to Tabaka, which has the largest soapstone quarry in the world. We went by Big Mama’s Shop and bought some really neat soapstone figures from Big Mama. We also saw how they make these sculptures by hand. It was very neat.
We returned back to the Mash Park hotel for the Bible studies. Bro Paul had spent the morning talking about The Purpose of the Gospel. Bro Charles spent the afternoon teaching the proper pattern of worship and singing and our not using musical instruments. We returned about 3pm and Bro Silas took the rest of the time and taught How to Study Your Bible which was a good topic to summarize the day.
That evening we went to a resort we had found, the Itibo Resort, for supper. They had a very good buffet and we had good beef stew and goat barbecue. This was the first meat we were able to eat on the trip and honestly the goat was well-flavored and very good. We will probably be staying at this resort instead of Mash Park on future trips. After a lively and hilarious bus ride back at night after dark to the hotel, we bedded down for the night.
Tuesday – July 16, 2019
In the morning on Tuesday, we resumed our bible studies. Bro Derrick taught on the different types of justification and I taught on the different salvations in the scripture, eternal and time salvation. Bro Silas, Bro Derrick, and myself left after lunch for Bro Martin Onyoni to drive us back to Kisumu to catch our flight.
We flew from Kisumu to Nairobi and had about a 4-hour layover. We had a brief visit in Nairobi with Bro Filden Kenyanjui, which is Elder Charles Kenyanjui’s son, who is in school there. It was great to meet and fellowship with him. We then caught our flight from Nairobi to Amsterdam at 11:30pm. We had a very short connection in Amsterdam and got on the second of our back to back 8 hour flights.
Wednesday – July 17, 2019
Bro Silas, Bro Derrick, and myself flew from Kisumu to Nairobi on Tuesday, then from Nairobi back to Amsterdam. We then quickly boarded our next flight to Atlanta and arrived back in Atlanta around 12pm on Wednesday. I still had a five-hour drive home, but I was blessed to return safely to my home on Wednesday evening.
Bro Paul and Charles back in Kenya concluded the bible studies with the local brethren on Wednesday at lunch at had a blessed time in studying the word of God with them.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
In returning back to Kisumu on Thursday, Bro Paul and Charles stopped back by the Oyugis group to preach to them a second time. Their preaching was well received and 8 members of that group came forward at the end of service requesting to be baptized into the Primitive Baptist Church. Paul and Charles returned back to Kisumu and flew to Nairobi to continue their trip on to Tanzania.
Friday July 19 to Friday July 27, 2019 (In Tanzania)
Bro Charles and Bro Paul flew from Kisumu to Nairobi after an 8-hour flight delay and another night spent in the Nairobi airport, they finally got to fly to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on Friday. They had a chance to visit with Elder Kenny Mwankenja, Pastor of Grace PBC in Dar es Salaam, that evening and his family.
On Saturday, worship was held at Grace PBC in Dar es Salaam. Brother Given Obey Ndalima and Gift Obey Ndalima (the late Elder Obey Ndalima’s twin sons who have both expressed a burden to preach) spoke about the New Birth and about Love, respectively. Bro Paul and Bro Charles then preached on the kingdom of God and loving one another. After preaching, they answered a few questions from the congregation and services were dismissed.
The next morning for Sunday worship, Bro Paul and Charles preached on Jesus is the Way and the love of the body and members of Christ. After preaching, there were 2 baptisms scheduled. However, after concluding services, 7 more submitted themselves for baptism. Of those believers, 3 were Muslims and one young Muslim lady who had attended services in a Christian church for the first time only the night before! Praise God! After the baptisms of these 9 new members, the church observed the Lord’s Supper and feet washing service and then had a regular fellowship meal as a church. It was a blessed time in the Lord for the church at Dar.
On Monday, Bro Paul and Charles along with Bro Kenny took a 12-hour drive to the Dodoma Church in Tanzania. Bro Paul and Bro Charles preached to this group of devout believers. The next day on Tuesday, the church gathered for worship and for baptisms. Bro Paul and Charles preached on the significance of baptism and its importance and the example of feet washing. They walked 2 miles down footpaths to where a spring surfaces next to a Boabab tree. There Elder Thaddeus Numbi baptized 3 believers into the church. Then, all walked back to the church and observed the communion service and feet washing. This was the church’s first time to participate in communion and feet washing service and were moved by its weight, especially the Lord setting the example of bowing down to wash the feet of poor sinners. After services, they took the long 12-hour ride back to Dar es Salaam.
On Wednesday, they met for another final worship service at Grace Church in Dar es Salaam. After preaching, they baptized 2 more members into Grace Church, making 11 total during their visit. This made a total of 49 people who either were baptized or requested baptism during the trip, 35 in Kenya and 14 in Tanzania. After many goodbyes with their kindred there, Bro Paul and Charles returned to the hotel to begin to pack for home.
After flights from Dar es Salaam to Dubai, Dubai to New York (15 hours on this flight), and New York to Atlanta, and then driving back home, Bro Charles and Paul arrived back home safely in Alabama and Tennesee, respectively.
I’m thankful God opened a door in Kenya for me firsthand with Bro Douglas and thus laid it upon my heart to go and visit them in person. This is evidence that God can and will guide us in a path we would never expect, and this trip certainly fits that bill for me. This was an eye-opening and priority-shifting experience in many ways.
First of all, what made the biggest impression on me was the joy, love, and devotion that was exhibited by our brothers and sisters in Africa. They have very hard lives, live in what we Americans consider abject poverty, don’t know for sure how they will feed their families but they have to rely totally on the Lord. Despite those challenges, they displayed the greatest joy in worship that I have ever seen. They are content and happy in the Lord despite their challenges. They showed love to me since the very first moment I met them. Prosperity breeds complacency, which we have seen firsthand in America. I’m afraid in America we have reached the Laodicean lukewarm complacency that might place us in danger of being spued out by the Lord. But in contrast, these disciples who have to struggle so much harder every day, have a fervency of worship and life that I hope I can learn from and replicate in my life.
The expression of love that I felt among these brethren and sisters was a unique dimension of love that I had never felt before. These people I have never met, have a different skin color, can’t speak the same language but need a translator to communicate, live an entirely different life, and for all practical purposes have nothing in common with. But those people who might seem to be so different have the same Holy Spirit in them that I have in me. They express and manifest the same love, joy, and peace that we manifest by the Spirit in our lives. These kindred of my spiritual family that I had not yet met in person, shook my hand, hugged me, and told me they loved me and all the churches in America from the very first moment I met them. They were so appreciative of our teaching and the word of God. Many of those brothers told me I was their brother in Christ and if I don’t get to see them again in this world, they would see me in heaven. What a gospel and hope of eternal life we have! As our hymn says, truly blessed be the tie that binds our Christian hearts in one, from Africa’s strand and from all over the world, the Lord that dwells in me by the Holy Spirit also dwells in these brethren and sisters and we can have unity and fellowship in the Lord, even though so much else might appear different in our lives. Truly, “Christ is all, and in all” of his children (Colossians 3:11) and I certainly now have a deeper and more intimate appreciation of God’s chosen elect people being “out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation” (Revelation 5:9 & 7:9).
I spent about 34 hours in the air on flights over the course of a week. It took me a five-hour drive, plus 17 hours of flights, plus another three-hour drive for me to actually get to Kisii, our intended destination. On those flights, the plane was flying 600mph and it still took us 16 hours to get to Kenya. As I had one of the window seats as we were cruising at 36,000 feet and I looked “down” at the clouds, I was once again reminded of how large this world is, how small I am, and how correspondingly great our God is! This trip covered just a small sliver of this world and then we think about the magnitude of God’s entire creation beyond this earth and all our universe that God just spoke into existence! And God still superintends all the events of the entire universe – how unfathomably big and great truly is our God! And what is puny, small, insignificant man, that God should take notice of us at all, let alone send your Son to die for our sins! Wow, what a great God we serve!
I’m thankful for safe travels during this trip, but more thankful for the power of the Holy Spirit that was felt in our worship, in our preaching, in our Bible study teachings, in our singing, and in our fellowship. We hope we have laid the foundation and planted the seed for many in Kenya to be converted to the truth of God’s word in the Primitive Baptist church and that God will give increase from these efforts for many years to come.
For His Glory, David Wise
To listen to sermons and singing from Kenya worship services, click here.
To listen to sermons on Open Doors from the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast.