Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 47 of 57

The Faith of Abraham & Sarah

We look at the amazing example of Abraham and Sarah’s faith to leave their homeland to journey to a land they didn’t even know where it was. They set the example for how we ought to live by faith in our lives as well, to live as pilgrims and strangers in this earth, pressing towards our permanent home, the city of God in heaven.


She Did What She Could

It can be overwhelming sometimes for how to begin or what task to start when we see so much that we need to do in church, work, society, etc. We look at the example of Mary who simply did what she could. She gave the very best she had to the Lord in sacrifice, in worship, and the Lord honored her sacrifice with a very godly memorial. We need to simply make a commitment to “do what we can”, to help others with our time, abilities, and finances, to serve others and honor the Lord.


Under the Shadow of the Almighty

How do we respond during a time of national health crisis? This morning we look at the example of King David during a time of pestilence in Israel. He places his hope and faith in God for protection and safety. God is our refuge and fortress and guard and protects his people like a mother bird protecting her helpless baby birds. We are sheltered and safe and secure under the shadow of the wings of our Almighty God.


The Hope of Glory

For the child of God, the spirit that resides in us is not ever fully content here in this world. The regenerated new creature groans and travails in pain in this world all the time up till even now. The Spirit revived soul desires to be released from this bondage of sin and looks towards the second coming and glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We need to live with an excited anticipation of Jesus’ second coming and be saved by that hope here in this, especially during the trials of life.


Lively Hope

2020 Fellowship Meeting. Pastor David Wise reminds us of the lively hope we have through Jesus Christ and his resurrection from the dead. We do not live miserably with no hope in this world, but we are saved by hope, looking with a joyful expectation towards the final culmination of our hope, which is the glorious appearing of the second coming of Christ.


2020 February Fellowship Meeting

Friday, February 21, 2020

Congregational Singing

All Through the Blood – Elder James Hall

God Pleasers, Not Men Pleasers – Elder Dwayne Dubard

Song of Solomon

From October 2019 to February 2020, Pastor David preached through the Song of Solomon. This romantic musical in the word of God displays the love of Christ to his bride, the church, and the necessity for the church’s fervent love back in return to our beloved Husband, Jesus Christ.

2020 Glad Tidings

Click the links below to read and download each month’s Glad Tidings Newsletter.

January 2020 Glad Tidings

February 2020 Glad Tidings

March 2020 Glad Tidings

April 2020 Glad Tidings

May 2020 Glad Tidings

June 2020 Glad Tidings

July 2020 Glad Tidings

August 2020 Glad Tidings

September 2020 Glad Tidings

October 2020 Glad Tidings

November 2020 Glad Tidings

December 2020 Glad Tidings

Psalm 1 – The Way of the Righteous Vs. The Way of the Ungodly

Psalm 1 contrasts for us two paths of life: the way of the righteous versus the way of the ungodly. This chapter describes the characteristics of both ways, and then concludes with the end for each course of life. The way of the righteous is known by the Lord; the righteous have intimate fellowship and communion with God when following God’s will in God’s way and flourish in fruitfulness. On the other hand, the final end of the way of the ungodly shall ultimately perish.

Rainbows In Your Rearview Mirror

Last week I was on the road for four days traveling for work and church in Tennessee. I was sick most of the week so it had not been the most fun trip overall. As I was beginning my return trip, after driving through a stiff rain and pretty strong winds for quite a few miles, the rain cleared and then I saw a rainbow in my rearview mirror. It was interesting because when I drive through what appeared to be that rainbow’s location (maybe 5 miles back) I could not see anything in that place but rain, strong winds, and storm clouds. Even though I only saw the storm when I was in the midst of it, after I passed on and the effects of the storm had calmed, I could look back in hindsight in my rearview mirror and see the rainbow in the exact location that I had just experienced a storm.

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