Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 44 of 57

Learning Contentment in Giving to Others

When we are truly content with our possessions and finances, we can use what we have been entrusted with to help others. God has freely given us the unspeakable gift of eternal life, even though we can never do anything to deserve it or earn it. With that amazing gift in mind, we use what God has given us to freely give to others to help them in their time of need.


Anonymous Heroes of Faith

The majority of God’s people in history have not been seemingly larger than life figures like Abraham, Moses, David, Paul and Peter. Instead, the majority of God’s people are anonymous and obscure in this world, living quiet, humble, godly lives and not exalted in this world. These anonymous heroes of faith have suffered great trials and persecution by faith, honoring the Lord and setting their mind by faith on the world to come.



When we see the great debt we were unable to repay in our offense to a holy God and we have been forgiven of that penalty of death by nothing more than God’s free and sovereign grace, that knowledge changes how we forgive other people. We forgive others freely, without keeping count of how many times they have offended me. We freely forgive others for Christ’s sake, remembering the great debt that we have been freely forgiven in Jesus Christ.


Death by Man, Life by Christ

Visiting minister Elder Philip Conley explains the reason this world is filled with death, decay, pain and suffering. All the mess of this world boils down to the sin of one man – Adam – by one man death came into the world and corrupted all of mankind. However, on the other end of the spectrum, by one man – by Jesus Christ – came life unto all of God’s people by his resurrection of the dead.


Amazing Grace

Do we have a tendency to take God’s grace for granted? Has grace become ordinary and mundane in our live instead of amazing – where we stand perpetually awe-struck and amazed that God would bestow any unmerited favor upon undeserving sinners? We need to be reminded of just how “amazing” God’s grace really is toward his people. We don’t deserve anything of the Lord, but he has given us all riches in Jesus Christ by his sovereign grace.


The Providence of God

Visiting Minister Elder Luke Hagler reminds us of God’s providence that we have a tendency to take for granted in our lives. God protects his people from danger and from many perils in this world by his providence. We don’t need to take for granted where God is working behind the scenes in his providence to bless his children in this world.


The Faith of Gideon

We see the timid faith of Gideon who needed encouragement from the Lord by signs. He tested the Lord by needing signs instead of boldly walking by faith. Then, Gideon led Israel to a miraculous victory as only 300 men with lamps and trumpets defeated 135,000 Midianites. Gideon led them by faith to a mighty victory in defeating the oppressing Midianites.


The Faith of Joshua and Rahab

In the aftermath of lack of faith and unbelief of an entire generation in Israel that died in the wilderness due to a lack of faith, we see the faithful leadership of Joshua. We see the bold faith of Joshua to lead Israel to conquer Jericho in a very unique way. We also see the bold faith of Rahab to believe the promise of God to deliver her from her pagan homeland of Jericho.


Christians & Alcohol

The proper treatment and use of alcohol by Christians is a very controversial and challenging topic to navigate. We attempt to consider the scriptural presentation of alcohol and drunkenness and we need to be careful to do all things in moderation.

Click here to view and download a PDF of Christians & Alcohol for a detailed treatment of alcohol in the scriptures.

“The scriptures permit the Christian to exercise their Christian liberty in the consumption of alcohol in moderation. However, there are great dangers and sins to consuming alcohol in excess in drunkenness. We need to be cognizant of the possibility of being a stumbling block to other weaker Christians and never to put ourselves in a position to bring reproach on our good name, our family, our church, and ultimately to bring reproach on Jesus Christ. The consumption of alcohol is lawful under Christian liberty, but we need to evaluate how expedient and edifying that is to ourselves or to others. We must all determine the liberty of conscience we feel comfortable exercising in this area of Christian liberty. Finally, we must all be fully persuaded in our own mind as to the conviction of our conscience because ultimately, we all individually stand or fall before our own Master, Jesus Christ.”

Learning Contentment in Godly Examples

It’s vitally important for the Christian’s manner of life to validate the faith in Christ that he professes. We need to live in a way that we are not ashamed for others to follow in our example and follow in our footsteps. We have all, no doubt, been blessed by seasoned men and women who have set godly examples and given us wisdom in years past. Now, we need to be those godly examples and mentors to others in our lives.


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