Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 41 of 57

Revive Thy Work In The Midst of the Years (Habuk. 3:2)

We need to follow the pattern of Habakkuk’s prayer for revival and mercy. In the midst of a time when God’s people were about to suffering severe judgment at the hand of the Chaldeans for their disobedience of God, Habakkuk was not discouraged, but he prayed for God to revive his work in the midst of these years that would be fraught with suffering for God’s people. We need to pray for God to revive his work in the midst of our years of suffering and tribulation as well.


The Recipe for Revival (2 Chron. 7:14, Part 2)

When God’s people go astray, the Lord as our Loving Father sends chastising judgment to bring us to repentance. If we are suffering spiritual drought in our churches among God’s people, what is the remedy for that dry state? God gives us the recipe for revival – humility, prayer of confession, and repentance changing our actions. Then, God promises to hear our prayers, forgive our sins, and heal our land, to heal and strengthen our churches.


Too Wonderful Knowledge (Psalm 139, Part 1)

God is so big, powerful, majestic, and beautiful we cannot even comprehend Him. His ways and His thoughts are so much higher than our thoughts and ways, we cannot even begin to understand the mystery of God’s will. When we consider the majesty of our God, how is it even possible that God would even take notice of us, or even one passing thought of us? But God has not just thought of us, but he intimately knows us, knows even the thoughts and intents of our heart and understands all the paths and ways of our life.


Humility, Prayer, & Repentance (2 Chron. 7:14, Part 1)

God told his people, Israel, in the Old Testament hundreds of years before they departed from the word of God, what would be the judgment for their sins. When God’s people did sin, and God sent drought, locusts, and pestilence. What remedy is there from this judgment of God? The Lord gave his people the answer for restoration of God’s blessing upon his people, the church. We must humble ourselves, pray confessing our sins, and change our lives in repentance before God. Only then will the Lord hear our prayers and heal the land of God’s people, the church, from the judgment of Almighty God.


Life Eternal, Knowing Christ

We have been given eternal life solely by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and salvation by sovereign grace. In addition to that, though we can also experience “life eternal” here in our lives by knowing Jesus Christ, following his commandments, loving God, and loving others. In our daily walk of discipleship, we should be growing to know more about Jesus and experience more of life eternal here and now.


Be Still and Know God (Psalm 46, Part 2)

We can get so busy in this world, never stopping to be still, relax, and commune personally with God. We must spend time in private, personal, closet devotion, speaking to the Lord as our friend. It’s vital for our spiritual growth and stability for us to spend time personally in private with the Lord, to be still and know that the Lord is our God.


Walking in the Spirit

We are wholly dependent upon the Holy Spirit in every action of our lives. Therefore, we need to be vigilant to “walk in the Spirit” and forsake the lusts of the flesh. We are dependent upon the Spirit to worship, to preach, to pray, or even to obey God at all. We need to pray to God to give us the special manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.


God Is Our Refuge (Psalm 46)

In the midst of calamity and distress, we find protection and safety and refuge in our God. We can get very nervous, afraid, and anxious from the world around us but instead we need to “be still” (relax, take a deep breath, stop moving, be still) and remember that God is still God, the Lord is still on his throne, “know that I am God”. God is with us at all times in our lives but especially during our times of need, a very present help in times of trouble as our refuge for safety and protection.


In Love

When we were put “In Christ”, then we were also placed “In Love” because Jesus Christ is Love. We consider the great love wherewith God has loved us, and we are “in love” in Jesus Christ. But then, it’s incumbent upon us to love others as Christ has loved us – for us to walk in love, speak the truth in love, and love our neighbors as Christ loved us. It’s by our displays of love to others that men can see our good works of love and call us disciples of Jesus Christ, who is Love Personified.


In Christ

We are legally and positionally “in Christ”, both in eternity and in time. We were placed “in Christ” before the world began, not based upon our works but we were put in Christ by God’s unconditional grace. Therefore, since we didn’t do anything to get “in Christ”, there is also nothing we can do to get “out of Christ”. We are truly part of Jesus, part of body, and bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh and Jesus cannot and will not deny himself.


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