Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 27 of 57

How to Work Out

Visiting minister Lic. John Pyles considers how to properly work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. There are obstacles that can prevent us from boldly living out the gospel in our lives. We are warned to avoid these obstacles that can prevent us from our conversation and manner of life boldly proclaiming the gospel to those around us. Let us work out the salvation that God has worked in us.


Looking Expectantly for Christ’s Second Coming

It is so easy to get consumed and distracted with this world to where we are not watching expectantly for Christ’s second coming. A vision of Christ and his second coming is arguably the greatest encouragement we can have in the midst of trial. We see God’s encouragement to the persecuted church – particularly in Thessalonica and 7 churches of Asia – was to point their vision towards Christ’s second coming for hope and encouragement in tribulation, even in the face of imminent martyrdom.

Preached on 12/19/2021 at Tyler PBC (Tyler, TX).


Put That on Mine Account

We see in Philemon the Apostle Paul literally stepping into the shoes on Onesimus and committing to pay his debt in full. This teaches us the doctrine of “substitution”, that Christ came and stepped into our shoes as a substitute to pay our debt of sin before our loving offended Master. Christ came to pay our debt that the offense might be removed and we are restored to fellowship with God our Father.


Not Forsaking the Assembly of the Saints

From the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast, Pastor David discusses the necessity of not forsaking the assembly of the church together. There are many people today who are willfully choosing to sit at home and forsake the church assembly. We consider the importance and severity of willfully neglecting God’s house and his worship. Attending worship and assembling with the saints should be our greatest joy in this world, and thus we should never forsake the great joy and blessing of assembling with the church.


Much People in This City, Part 2

God has a people out of every “city”, nation, kindred, people, and tongue. God chose out his people before the world began. In every city, in our own local communities, there are God’s born again children who do not have the full knowledge of the gospel of Christ. Therefore, we are encouraged in our evangelism to know that God already has a people in every city that are in need of the gospel. Let us pray for and press into open doors in our local communities to bring God’s word to God’s people.


Much People in This City

When Paul was afraid and discouraged in Corinth, the Lord personally encouraged him that there were “much people” in this city that needed the gospel. We do not preach the gospel to “make” God’s people, but just like Paul, we preach to “inform” and to “identify” God’s chosen people that already have a grace-tendered heart. God’s unconditional election of a people to salvation is not a deterrent to evangelism, but here we see that the greatest encouragement to evangelism is to know that God already has “much people” who are ready to receive his word.


How Big is God’s Grace?

Visiting minister Lic. John Morgan Owens considers just how big and great God’s grace really is. Going through the scriptures we find so many of God’s children who messed up big time, who committed egregious sins that God should have written them off forever. However, God’s grace is so big it covers all our sins. His grace is so large it “reaches even me”.


One Mediator Between God and Men

We consider the example of Paul as a mediator to reconcile the offense between Philemon and Onesimus. This is a picture of Jesus Christ as the only mediator between God and his children. Jesus was both the Son of God and also the Son of man, being able to touch both parties and reconcile us back together. It was on the cross that Jesus reconciled man and God, heaven and earth back together by his blood on the cross.


Much People In This City

“9) Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: 10) For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.” (Acts 18:9-10)

When Paul arrived in Corinth and was facing some opposition to the gospel, he seems to have gotten afraid and discouraged. The Lord came to encourage Paul with boldness to not be afraid to preach the gospel because God already had “much people” in this city. Not only were there born-again people of God already in Corinth but there wasn’t just one or two; there were “much people” of God in this city who needed to hear the gospel. Knowing God already had a people in this city was not a “deterrent” to evangelism but was a tremendous “encouragement” to greater evangelism for Paul. Knowing that salvation is by grace alone with no action of man contributing to eternal life does not discourage us from preaching, but rather it encourages us to know that God already has a people who need to know that he has saved them from their sins. There are God’s people who are already “ordained to eternal life” (Acts 13:48) in our cities who need to know the gospel. This should be an exciting encouragement to us to boldly preach the gospel in our local communities, knowing there are God’s people there with quickened hearts who need to know that Jesus Christ has already saved them from their sins on the cross.

Lessons on Prayer – Lord, Teach Us To Pray

These messages were delivered by Pastor David on the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast from June 2021 to November 2021. There is arguably nothing more important in the Christian life than a fervent and diligent prayer life. Let us learn from the instruction of Jesus Christ for how we are to pray unto our Heavenly Father.

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