Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 17 of 57

Not Defiled with the King’s Meat

2022 Annual Meeting. Elder Jeremy Wise considers the commitment of Daniel and his young friends that despite the pressures from the wicked world around him to not defile themselves with the Babylonian king’s meat. In a spiritual sense today, we must also make a personal commitment in our heart to not defile ourselves with this world and God will bless in an expected way, the same way he did Danie.


2022 November Annual Meeting

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Congregational Singing – Saturday Morning

Congregational Singing – Saturday Afternoon

Perspective, Hold On – Elder Silas Ford

What Do We? – Elder Silas Ford

Not Defiled with the King’s Meat – Elder Jeremy Wise

Stand Fast in the Liberty of Grace – Elder Jeremy Wise

Sunday, November 13, 2022

What Does Your Pastor Want? – Elder Silas Ford

Spiritual Warfare

These messages were delivered by Pastor David on the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast from April to November 2022. There is a spiritual warfare that rages around us every day. We need to be equipped to understand the reality of this battle, know our enemy and his devices, and have confidence of God’s protection and defense of his children in the heat of these daily battles. We consider this spiritual warfare together to better equip the church to fight well in this daily battle of faith.


Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.

Spiritual Warfare – Part 1

Spiritual Warfare – Part 2

Spiritual Warfare – Part 3

Our Enemies – The Devil, Part 1

Our Enemies – The Devil, Part 2

Our Enemies – Unclean Spirits

Our Enemies – The Beast

Our Enemies – The World

Our Enemies – The Flesh

Knowing Satan’s Devices – Part 1

Knowing Satan’s Devices – Part 2

Knowing Satan’s Devices – Part 3

Knowing Satan’s Devices – Part 4

Our Defenses – The Armour of God (Sermon Series)

Our Defenses – God’s Providential Hedge

Our Defenses – Angelic Protection, Part 1

Our Defenses – Angelic Protection, Part 2

Our Defenses – God’s Word & Prayer

Our Defenses – Overcoming Faith & Our Final Victory

Overview of the Gospel of John

As we embark on an exposition of the gospel of John, we consider the overall them and structure of the book. John was written different than the other three synoptic gospels for a unique purpose. The Spirit wanted to expressly testify that Jesus was the Son of God so that we might believe on his name. Therefore, they are stories and mircales and I Am statements in John’s gospel that are not anywhere else to affirm the divinity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God.


Radical Repentance & Idolatry

The life of God’s people should look radically different from the world. Especially our repentance should look radical to others. That is how we let our light shine in this world. In America, we have idolatry ingrained in almost every aspect of our culture, and we don’t even realize it – sports, music, hobbies. We can even make good things like our families, homes, and jobs idols. Let us repent from any degree of idolatry in our lives that prevents us from fully serving the one true and living God.

Click here to read the article Revival’s Call for Radical Repentance


Heal Our Land – Josiah’s Revival

God offers forgiveness and healing of the land for his humble, prayerful, and repentant children. This humility and repentance is perfectly exhibited in King Josiah during the revival in his day. Josiah was trying to live godly and make changes, but was still lacking when he heard the word of God. He humbled himself and prayed and most importantly changed his actions that healed his land.


Godliness – Obey His Commandments

In conclusion of the topical survey of 1st John, we examine godliness. God’s children are called to obey all of Christ’s commandments. We are called to walk even as Christ walked. Our manner of life should be reflective of our state of God’s children and the light of this world.


Life, Light & Love – Topical Survey of 1st John

From June to October 2022 on Wednesday nights in introducing the Gospel of John, Pastor David preached through a topical survey of 1st John which presents similar major themes as John’s gospel.

Heal Our Land – Drought, Famine & Locusts

When we see spiritual drought, famine, or even locusts in the kingdom of God, it should lead us to consider our ways. God will send judgment upon his people when we do not place the kingdom of God first and foremost in our lives. God will send a famine of hearing the words of God, if we are disobedient in service to the Lord. Thankfully, God is always listening for our prayers of repentance, ready for restoration and revival.


What Is The Church? Book

What Is The Church? is a title authored by David Wise in 2022. In this book, we consider the scriptural presentation of the church and how we should operate together in the body of Christ for the glory of God.

To purchase this book through Lulu ($10), please follow this link.

To download a free PDF copy of this work, please follow this link.

To listen to sermons on each of these topics, please follow this link.

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