Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 7 of 57

The Doctrines of Grace

In John 6, Jesus Christ simply and plainly preaches the doctrines of grace, of God’s sovereignty in salvation. We find two contrasting responses to the beautiful truths of God’s sovereignty in salvation. One group of carnal disciples were offended by these truths and went away from following Christ. The disciples, instead, viewed these beautiful truths as the words of eternal life and refused to leave Christ. May we hold to these beautiful doctrines of grace and go nowhere else than Christ and the church who preaches God’s soveriegnty in salvation.


Prayers of Affliction, Thanksgiving & Contentment

In this Thanksgiving season, we should thank the Lord when we have prayed prayers of affliction and the Lord blessed in a special way. Looking at the account of Hannah and the subsequent birth of Samuel, we see both the prayer of affliction and then the prayer of thanksgiving. But if our prayers are not answered in the way we expect, we need to learn contentment in any state in our life. Godliness with contentment is great gain. May we lay hold on the true riches of godly living and being content in any state we are in.

Preached at Tyler PBC (Tyler, TX) on 11/26/2023.


In Every Thing Give Thanks

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thess. 5:18)

It seems each year as we arrive in late November approaching the Thanksgiving holiday, I am convicted of how much I have taken for granted and not given appropriate thanksgiving for God’s blessings in my life. Rather than an annual, once-a-year remembrance of God’s blessings and thanksgiving, the Lord commands his people to give thanks “always” (Eph. 3:20). Furthermore, God’s will for us is to give thanks “in every thing.” (1 Thess. 5:18) We certainly do not give thanks “for” everything in our lives. We don’t thank God “for” sin, temptations, sickness, death, the devil, and the evil of this world. However, in spite of any circumstance we encounter in this life, we can still give thanks to God “in” the midst of any trial.

In Every Thing Give Thanks

As we approach this annual Thanksgiving holiday, I hope we are reinvigorated to be more purposeful to give thanks unto God always and in every thing. Our thanksgiving is not “conditional” on the ease of circumstances in our lives. We have no right to be unthankful, murmur, and complain when times get hard. Instead, despite any circumstance in our life we can always give thanks for the unchanging truths of God’s mercy, goodness, holiness, his word, his church, his daily provision, his unspeakable gift of salvation, and certainly for his providential blessings in our lives as well.


2023 November Annual Meeting

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Congregational Singing – Saturday Morning

Congregational Singing – Saturday Afternoon

Saved by the Gospel of the Resurrection – Elder Bryce Lowrance

How Do We Define Our Religious Practice? – Elder Bryce Lowrance

Prophesying by the Word of God – Elder Neil Honea

He Saw Them Toiling – Elder Neil Honea

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Church Should be a Noisy Place – Elder Bryce Lowrance

Church Should be a Noisy Place

2023 Fall Annual Meeting. Visiting minister Elder Bryce Lowrance preaches from the Psalms that we should not sit as silent statues in worship, but excitement and joy in worship should be expressed verbally. We should sing praise to God. We should affirm our belief in the truths of the preaching by responding and saying Amen. We should even shout and clap hands in praise to our great King! Do not quench the Spirit because we’ve been taught that church is supposed to sound like a museum. Let us make some noise and sing praise to Almighty God!


He Saw Them Toiling

2023 Fall Annual Meeting. Visiting minister Elder Neil Honea considers the account of Jesus walking on the water. In spite of the great calamity on the sea of Galilee, Jesus had not forsaken them. Jesus saw them toiling in the storm. Their suffering and toil in the storm was not overlooked but was seen by God – Christ saw their toiling. Then, that toiling ceased when they invited Christ into the boat. Following their example, in the midst of our toil, we will experience a peace that passes all understanding when Christ is in the boat with us.


Prophesying by the Word of God

2023 Fall Annual Meeting. Visiting minister Elder Neil Honea shows us the necessity of speaking truth and conveying vision to others from the truth of God’s word. Especially in our families and in our churches, we need to speak truth to the next generation to warn them of the outcomes of their actions. Just as accomplished musicians, we should be willing to commit “10,000 hours” to studying God’s word to be able to speak the right word in due season for those who need godly counsel.


How Do We Define Our Religious Practice?

2023 Fall Annual Meeting. Visiting minister Elder Bryce Lowrance offers the sobering cautionary tale of the Pharisees and Sadducees who were more concerned about destroying their religious enemies than following Christ. They were so consumed with legalism and the form of religion, that they missed the Son of God right before their faces. Let us always be mindful to “contend FOR” the truth, never to “contend AGAINST” our perceived enemies in the religious world!


Saved by the Gospel of the Resurrection

2023 Fall Annual Meeting. Visiting minister Elder Bryce Lowrance encourages us to keep in memory the gospel of the resurrection that will save us from despair. It is inevitable in our lives that we will become discouraged and even despair, but it’s vital that we do not stay there. When we focus on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it will deliver us from depression and despair that will press us down in this world.


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