Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 55 of 57

2017 February Fellowship Meeting

Friday, February 24, 2017

Proper Worship – Elder Rusty Wise

Therefore – Elder Bobby Howell

Be of Good Cheer – Elder Tim McCool

Hand of God – Elder Larry Wise

Rebaptism in Christ’s Name – Elder Buddy Abernathy

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Suffering the Right Way – Elder Josh Winslett

From Whence Ye are Hewn – Elder Joe Nettles

Full Assurance of Hope – Elder Chase Harrison

Mount Zion – Elder Tony Lester


These messages were delivered by Pastor David on the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast from January to February 2017.  Justification is a topic that of necessity must be rightly divided, as different types of justification are declared in scripture.  Since justification is a legal term, it’s convenient and helpful to consider the aspects and effects of justification in a courtroom setting and a different courtroom is applicable for justification by grace and blood, for justification by faith, and for justification by works.  Listen as we distinguish each distinct type of justification as presented in scripture.

2017 Glad Tidings

Click the links below to read and download each month’s Glad Tidings Newsletter.

January 2017 Glad Tidings

February 2017 Glad Tidings

March 2017 Glad Tidings

April 2017 Glad Tidings

May 2017 Glad Tidings

June 2017 Glad Tidings

July 2017 Glad Tidings

August 2017 Glad Tidings

September 2017 Glad Tidings

October 2017 Glad Tidings

November 2017 Glad Tidings

December 2017 Glad Tidings

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

“(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)” (2 Cor. 5:7)

Walking according to the will of God here in this life can be a difficult task for the children of God.  God’s children are appropriately consistently compared to sheep in the scripture. Sheep are not very intelligent animals (when you are feeling pretty smart sometimes just keep in mind you’re just a pile of dust plus the grace of God) and are prone to wander away from the fold and away from the profitable fields of grazing, if not for the watch care of the shepherd. God’s children are commanded to walk and follow our Heavenly Father’s will by faith in God, not by sight.


“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thess. 5:23)

Here we find Paul’s confidence in the promise that God shall preserve the entire spirit, soul, and body of His elect. The spirit and soul of man go into the presence of God immediately when the saints’ die here in this world. The body will then be glorified and conformed to the image of Jesus Christ at His second coming. Notice another aspect of the final state of our spirit, soul, and body – we shall be “blameless”.

Let The Word Dwell in You Richly

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” (Colossians 3:16)

As we close out one year and look forward toward the beginning of a new year, we reflect on God’s blessings in our life over the last year but also reflect on our shortcomings as well. This is a time when it is productive to “examine yourselves” (2 Cor. 13:5, 1 Cor. 11:28) to hopefully look for how we may improve our walk with Christ if God is gracious to grant us another year of life. As I consider my discipleship goals for the coming year, this verse has steadily come to forefront of my mind – to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom”. I hope to invest and immerse myself more fully and fall in love more passionately with Christ’s word in the coming days, months, and years.

Unleavened Feast of Sincerity & Truth

“Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” (1 Corinthians 5:8)

At the time of Paul’s first letter to the Corinth Church, all Jews who had not believed in Jesus Christ, still observed the Passover feast in accordance with the command of the Mosaic law.  However, Jesus came to fulfill all the law (Matt 5:17-18), so the church is no longer bound by observance of the Old Testament law, but rather is ruled by the New Testament covenant of grace. While the church is therefore not required to observe the Old Testament version of the Passover feast, Paul introduces a new “feast” that the church should observe, relating to the purity and sincerity of our conduct in the church.

Biblical Timeline of the Old and New Testament

I have attempted to compile these timelines and bible study aids during my personal bible studies over the last few years.  This collection covers a general overview of major events in the Old and New Testament, presented in the form of a timeline.  This has been beneficial for me during my studies as a quick guide to check when certain things occurred instead of having to reverify each date or event all over again, which I had already studied and researched.  I hope these timelines can serve in the same useful manner for you in your bible studies.

Click here to view and download the PDF – Biblical Timeline of the Old and New Testament.

Before the World Began

“…before the foundation of the world…” (Eph. 1:4)

There were many momentous things that occurred before God spoke this world into existence in Genesis 1 that secured the eternal salvation of God’s children before the world that we inhabit was even created. Man certainly can lay no claim to any participation in his eternal salvation because he was not around to mess it up. I’ve heard it said that God created man on the sixth day because if God would have created him first, then Adam would have tried to take credit for all of creation. That’s probably a very accurate statement, knowing the pride and innate carnality of man. That may have been some of God’s intent to fully purpose our eternal salvation before man was created to keep man from trying to take credit for God’s sovereign work, although some still try.  Before the foundation of the world, God loved a people, chose a people, promised eternal life, wrote their names, and prepared an eternal kingdom as the final destination for His beloved.

2016 October Annual Meeting

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Growing in the Word – Elder Sam Bryant

Add to Your Faith – Elder Sam Bryant

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Exaltation of God’s Word, Psalm 119 – Elder David Wise

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