Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 5 of 57

Fear of Being Overwhelmed (Stress)

Sometimes the pressures, burdens, and the stress of tribulations in our lives seem to be more than we can bear. We are afraid that the weight of those burdens will crush us. Then, when we are overwhelmed, it should lead us to prayer and lead us to the rock that is higher than I. We cast our cares upon God and take Christ’s yoke which is easy and Christ’s burden is light.


Fear of the Unknown

We are all prone to have excessive worry, fear, and anxiety about what “might” happen. We fear the unknown of the future, and that can cause great painful uneasiness in our mind and heart. The remedy for the fear of the unknown is faith, to trust that God will keep his word. We trust that God’s grace will be perfectly sufficient for whatever tomorrow might hold.


Go & Sin No More

When a woman caught in adultery is brought to Jesus, despite all her sins, Christ condemns her accusers and offers no condemnation to this lady. Because of Christ’s great forgiveness of her, she is called to go and sin no more. Some people might incorrectly see salvation by grace a license to sin, but instead grace calls us to a higher standard than even the law. Grace calls us to do our best to live a sanctified life and go and sin no more.


Fear of God vs Spirit of Fear

There are really only 2 types of fear: the fear of God and then the spirit of fear from the world. The spirit of fear does not come from the Lord. We cannot let the fear of man or another other natural fear be the primary decision-making authority in our lives. Instead, man was made to fear God and keep his commandments, that is the whole duty of man. When we walk in the fear of the Lord, then our soul shall dwell at ease.


Fear Not

Fear is a natural emotion to help protect us from danger, but the spirit of fear left uncontrolled can be debilitating, creating bondage and torment for the child of God. The Lord has given us remedies to conquer fear, the power of Christ, perfect love, a sound mind, prayer, and faith. We all struggle with controlling fear, so let us trust in the Lord to be delivered from fear’s bondage and torment.


Giving & Receiving of the Holy Ghost

When a child of God believes in Jesus Christ, there is a special giving of the Holy Ghost that comes in the heart of the child of God as the sealing of the Holy Spirit of promise. After Jesus went up to heaven, on the Day of Pentecost, the baptism of the Holy Ghost came down and the gift of the Holy Ghost was given and received by the church.


Thy Exceeding Great Reward

When Abram was struggling with fear and discontentment, God gave him encouragement that God was his exceeding great reward. The material blessings that we receive are not our reward, but God himself is our reward. The knowledge of Jesus Christ is the fullness of life eternal, growing in greater fullness of our exceeding great reward. Finally, eternal life in heaven is identified by the fullness of Jesus Christ, who is our exceeding great reward.


The Will of God

For the sincere child of God, we want to follow and be obedient to God’s will. However, practically speaking, what actually is God’s will? how do I know and discern God’s will for my life? how does God guide His children in walking in His will? In this study guide on the subject, we consider the verses that address God’s will in scripture and try to consider some practical ways that we can know and walk in accordance with God’s will during our lives.

Click here to view and download the PDF outline of The Will of God Study Guide.

Click here to listen to the sermon series on The Will of God.

7 Simple Daily Goals for the New Year

As we begin a new year, it is very important that we are disciplined and purposeful to commit to serving the Lord because our natural tendencies will lead us to drift away from God. Therefore, here are 7 simple commands to focus on as a goal each day as we serve the Lord in the new year: 1) Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. 2) Love your neighbor as yourself. 3) Fear God. 4) Keep God’s commandments. 5) Do justly. 6) Love mercy. 7) Walk humbly with thy God.


7 Simple Daily Goals for the New Year

As we begin a new year, it can be overwhelming to consider all the commands in scripture that we are to obey. Therefore, here are a few simple commands that we can focus on as we begin a new year.

Here are 7 simple commands to focus on as a goal each day in the new year:

  1. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind 
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself
  3. Fear God
  4. Keep God’s commandments 
  5. Do justly 
  6. Love mercy
  7. Walk humbly with thy God

These commands come from 3 verses that describe all-encompassing themes that if we focus on then we will serve God in an acceptable way.

  • The greatest & second commandment (Matt. 22:36-40)
  • The whole duty of man (Eccl. 12:13)
  • What does the Lord require of thee (Micah 6:8)

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