Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 46 of 57

The Faith of Joseph

We examine the amazing example of the faith of Joseph. Joseph was mistreated, falsely accused, imprisoned, overlooked, but in spite of those difficult circumstances was eventually elevated by God. Joseph lived his entire life by faith, trusting in God even in the most difficult moments of his life. This life of faith is culminated by Joseph’s request on his death bed for his bones to be taken from Egypt and buried in his homeland.


Bringing Every Thought Into Captivity

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Philippians 4:8)

For the disciple of Christ, it is absolutely vital for us to control our thought process, to bring our thoughts into captivity to honor the Lord. We have to be very purposeful to control our thought process because our minds are prone to drift to vain, unprofitable things of this world. We have to make a committed decision to think on these ”true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good, virtuous, and praiseworthy things”.

Learning Contentment in Jesus Christ

Our natures and this world teach us to be discontent and covetous, to want and desire more than we have. Therefore, we have to purposefully “learn” to be content in whatever state we are in. Contentment is not found in the things of this world, but true contentment will only come from Jesus Christ our Savior.


A Daily, Living Martyr

The disciple of Christ is called upon to “die daily”. In our natures we all desire to worship and exalt the idol of “self” and therefore, we must purposefully mortify and put to death that selfish mindset to serve Christ. Jesus Christ must increase, but we must decrease. We consider some “daily” activities that we need to be found doing to put self on the cross and serve Christ in our lives.


The Faith of Isaac and Jacob

In two examples of faith of Isaac and Jacob, we see that a faith that is good enough to live by is a faith that is good enough to die by. Both Isaac and Jacob, as they neared the end of their life here on earth, looked by faith towards the world to come and taught and instructed the next generation to come to live by faith as they had in their life as well.


The Gift of the Holy Ghost

Jesus told his disciples to pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to come unto them. This is not a request to be born again, but it is beseeching the Lord to bless us with abiding, guiding, and communing presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We see the special gift and sealing of the Holy Ghost when we are baptized, but not just one time, we desire the communion with the Holy Ghost every day of our lives.


The Priority of the Kingdom of God

Jesus Christ established the kingdom of God during his earthly ministry, setting up his spiritual other-worldly kingdom that would consume all nations and last forever. Now, for the citizens of God’s kingdom – the children of God – we are called upon to place the utmost priority on the kingdom of God. We must seek the kingdom of God first and foremost in our lives and we will experience the righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Ghost of the kingdom in our hearts.


The Faith of Abraham, Part 2

We see the example of faithful Abraham as he offered his son, Isaac, upon Mt Moriah. Abraham reasoned by faith that God would be able to resurrect Isaac even if he took his life. He took his past experiences of God’s resurrecting power in his life and reckoned that God was able and faithful to even resurrect Isaac from the dead.


A Resurrection Gospel

On this Easter Sunday, we meditate upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day. All of Christianity hinges on the resurrection of Christ from the dead which validated that we have been justified before God by Jesus death, blood, and sacrifice. Then, we are saved when we keep in memory every day of the gospel of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

It’s inevitable in this world that we will have trouble; Jesus declared as much in his final message to the disciples. However, it’s vital for the child of God to not let the trouble surrounding us in this world sink down into our hearts. We can have peace, be of good cheer and joyful, and not have a troubled heart because Jesus has overcome the world and will soon return to bring his elect children home to many mansions in the Father’s house.


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