Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 43 of 57

Living by Faith – Exposition of Hebrews 11

From November 2019 to September 2020 on Wednesday nights, Pastor David preached through Hebrews 11, the Honor Roll of Faith chapter. Here we see godly witnesses for how we ought to live by faith in our lives here today.

Learning Contentment – Exposition of Philippians 4

From May 2020 to September 2020, Pastor David taught from Philippians 4 how we can learn to be content in any state in our lives. Contentment is a learned trait and Paul had learned in whatsoever state he was in to be content. Contentment in our lives does not come from this world but comes from Jesus Christ and spiritual blessings in the kingdom of God.

God’s Covenant Faithfulness in the Rainbow

When we see the rainbow, that is a token from God to us of his faithfulness to his covenant to not destroy the world again by water. More than that though, God’s bow in the cloud is a remembrance of the Lord’s eternal covenant of grace to save his people from our sins. When we see a rainbow, we need to be reminded of God’s covenant faithfulness to never leave or forsake his children and finally to save us in heaven.


Running Our Race with Patience

We all have a race of discipleship that we are called to run. Our race gets very difficult from time to time, and our bodies want to quit, stop, and take a break. Instead of throwing in the towel, we need to run our race with patience, pushing through for our second wind. We run faithfully only by looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.


Life Hid With Christ in God

Visiting Minister Elder Charles Kitchens encourages of the truth that our life is hid with Christ in God. We have been saved by grace from total ruin in sin. Now, we are called by faith to trust in the Lord and live in a way that is honoring to our Savior.


Priority of God’s Word

Visiting minister Elder Chris McCool extols the priority of God’s word in the life of the Lord’s disciples. God gave us his word that is fit and profitable for every circumstance of life. We need to place the word as a priority in our lives to read it, study it, meditate upon it, and let it throughly furnish us in our walk of discipleship here in our lives.


Lessons from Gospel of John

Visiting speaker Brother Joe Ott goes through the gospel of John gleaning lessons from Jesus’ ministry. The gospel of John exalts the deity and sovereignty of Jesus Christ through 7 miracles. There are also 7 “I Am” statements made by Jesus in this gospel that declare and teach his deity as well. All of this is given for the stated purpose of the gospel of John that we might believe that Jesus is the Son of God.


Learning Contentment in Any State

Life is a roller coaster, a series of ups and down, mountains and valleys, mixtures of joy and sorrow. We have to learn to be content in any state that we are in, even in the valleys and trials of this life. There is no contentment in this world for the child of God apart from Jesus Christ, and when we have fellowship with Christ, we can be content in any circumstance, even like Paul being content in a Roman prison.


Saved by Hope

The child of God is very prone to be discouraged from time to time in this world. During those challenging times, that’s when it is so necessary to have hope, the anchor of our soul, sure and steadfastly ground in the Lord. We receive deliverance and joy and truly salvation even in the midst of sorrow when our hope is revived in Jesus Christ.


Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

It is natural to question “why” bad things occur to those who are trying to live a good and godly life. How can a good, holy, and righteous God who is fully sovereign suffer or allow such bad things to occur in this world? This is a very challenging question. To reach the proper answer, we must approach the question from the proper perspective – that the reality is that man is not good by nature, we are sinful and corrupt, and that this world is broken and sinful and any good in this world comes down from above from God. When we have that understanding, we can approach trial with the proper perspective, to not wonder “why” things happen but focus on the “Who” (Jesus Christ) that will sustain us in the midst of it.


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