Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 42 of 57

Habakkuk’s Prayer for Revival and Mercy

“O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.” (Habakkuk 3:2)

This prayer of Habakkuk should set the tone for our prayers every day, but especially during the times we are living in today. It seems we live in a culture very similar to Habakkuk’s day, bemoaning the reality of ungodliness and justifiably frustrated with the wickedness in the culture around us. We question like Habakkuk, “O Lord how long?” How long will you seemingly not answer the prayers of your people and allow wickedness to continue to wax greater and greater every day? God, why are you allowing all of this violence and iniquity to occur (Hab. 1:1-4)?

Diversity and Unity of Spiritual Gifts

2020 Annual Meeting. Elder Paul Blair describes the functioning of the diverse spiritual gifts in the body of Christ. There is a diversity of gifts in the church, as well as a diversity of administration and operations of each gift. But every gift in the body is supposed to function together by the Holy Spirit. One member of the body is not insignificant or better than another member, but every member of the body of Christ is vitally important for a thriving, healthy body.


Deacon Ordination Charge

2020 Annual Meeting. Elder David Wise delivers the deacon ordination charge to Brother Adam Frost, exhorting him to faithfully serve the church in his office of a deacon.


The Two Laws of God

2020 Annual Meeting. Elder Paul Blair preaches for us about the two laws of God: the law of sin and death and the law of the Spirit of life. Adam bound all of his children to the law of sin and therefore, we all are condemned to die. But Jesus Christ came to liberate us from the bondage of that condemnation of sin by his death. Therefore, there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ and live by the Spirit of life.


2020 October Annual Meeting

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Congregational Singing – I’m But A Wandering Pilgrim

The Two Laws of God – Elder Paul Blair

Deacon Ordination Charge of Brother Adam Frost – Elder David Wise

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Congregational Singing

Diversity and Unity of Spiritual Gifts – Elder Paul Blair

Learning Contentment in Christ’s Riches

True riches are in Jesus Christ for the child of God. This world will not satisfy the soul of the Christian regardless of how much wealth, power, or influence we might attain. True riches in the kingdom of God, in service to God, is our greatest source of contentment and joy. Ultimately, we will not be fully satisfied until we get to heaven, but until then we must learn to be content in Christ’s abundant riches.


Heathen Raging and God Laughing

There has been a conspiracy against God and Jesus Christ since the beginning of the world. The nature of man is to want to reject and even overthrow the sovereignty and authority of God, which has been attempted by man since the original fall. However, God is not concerned about the sinister devices of man defeating him. Instead, God sits in the heavens and just laughs at the foolishness of man that thinks he can overthrow the Lord.


Learning Contentment in Giving to the Ministry

We need to live life with a giving attitude and a charitable mind. We give to those in need and help this disadvantaged and those who cannot help themselves. In addition, we also must keep the mindset to support the advancement and growth of God’s kingdom by supporting God’s called ministers. God calls men to preach to benefit us – the church – so we should have a desire to sacrifice so that the ministry can fulfill their calling and bless the church.


Consider Jesus When Fainting

Our race of discipleship can become very weary and challenging at times. When those times come, we find strength to keep running faithfully by looking unto Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. We must consider Jesus and the great contradiction of sinners that he endured against himself, pressing through challenges in his walk by the power of God to faithfully complete his work on the cross for the joy that was set before him.


Learning Contentment in Christ’s Strength

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This is a very well known and mis-applied verse in Christianity today. This verse is not a name it and claim it blessing for God to allow you to do whatever you want. Instead, this verse teaches our total dependency upon Christ. Without God we are without strength – totally dead – but through God’s enabling strength and power we can soar like eagles over the tribulation of this life.


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