Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 38 of 57

The Law & The Tabernacle

2021 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Joe Nettles considers Moses and Joshua in the tabernacle in the aftermath of Israel’s sin with the golden calf. We can see Moses as the Law as insufficient to save man because of our failure to keep God’s law. But then we see Jesus in Joshua who departed not out of the tabernacle and made intercession with God for the people of God.


Healing Power of Jesus

2021 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Tony Lester gives an account of Jesus’ healing of the woman with the issue of blood and then of Jairus’ daughter. We need to trust in Jesus for our healing of diseases in this life and keep faith in Christ to help us in all our needs and distresses.


Standing Out In A Crowd (Esther 3)

It is not easy to stand up for our convictions in an environment where ungodliness is accepted, to be the only one serving God in a given situation. We are called to stand out in a crowd by remaining devoted to God, regardless of how everyone around us might be caving to governmental or societal pressure. We consider the example of Mordecai who refused to kneel to the wicked Haman, remained devoted to his God regardless of the consequences, and God ultimately defended and promoted Mordecai against his wicked enemies.


Purpose of the Church – The Glory of God

Why did God call out the assembly of the church? What is the primary purpose of the Lord’s church? Our primary purpose is to glorify God in all we say and do. God chose out a people to salvation for the praise of the glory of his grace. Now that we have been saved by grace, we are called to live a life that others would see our good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven.


3 Dimensions of the Church

As with many biblical topics, not every time we see “the church” in scripture is it describing the same thing. There are primarily 3 dimensions of the church presented in scripture. First, the global invisible elect family of God called out in the new birth. Second, the visible church militant of disciples who have followed the Lord in baptism. Third, the local church body in our local communities which is where we primarily serve the Lord in our local communities.


Tears In A Bottle

“Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?” (Psalm 56:8)

This world is full of a lot of pain and suffering that leads us to shed tears from time to time. Our American masculinized culture looks down on those who shed tears, stigmatizing those who do cry as somehow weaker than those who portray a false of strength by refusing to cry. Crying is a natural human emotion, and Jesus is aware of our tears and our suffering that prompts those tears. God is intimately aware of all our tears, even storing up those tears in his bottle and noting them in his book. Jesus is not aloof to our suffering that causes us to shed tears, but he is intimately aware of every single one of those tears and has made provision that ultimately God himself will wipe away all tears from our eyes in heaven. 

Does Jesus Care in the Storm?

In the midst of a severe storm, we are prone to act like the disciples and get afraid and to question God and even to question if Jesus even cares for us. In the midst of the storms of this life, we have to remember the promise of God in faith. Jesus has promised us safe passage to the other side in this life, and in the midst of storms, we must trust in God’s word and in God’s promise to not fret or fear during the storm.


Does Jesus Care In The Storm?

“And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?” (Mark 4:38)

In the midst of a fierce storm of tribulation in our lives, we are prone to the same response as the apostles during their physical storm on the sea of Galilee. When the waves got high and the water began to fill the boat, not only did they become afraid, but they began to question if Jesus even cared for them in the midst of this storm. Sometimes we feel like Jesus is asleep in the hull of the ship in the midst of our storms as well, and we can question if God even cares and he might even allow us to perish. When we have those doubts and fears in the midst of life’s storms, we have to remember the word of God; remember Jesus’ promise that he is with us in the storm and has promised safe passage to the other side and ultimate deliverance from these storms.

What Is The Church?

As we begin a series examining the church, first we must understand what the church actually is. The church is not just some event we attend once a week and then go our separate way and then do it all again next week. The church is not something we do once a week, but the church is who we are. We are the body of Christ, a 24-7 living organism, called out assembly for the glory of God.


Full Assurance of Hope

Visiting minister Elder Tony Lester gives an encouraging message to hope in Jesus Christ. The basis of our hope is in God’s promise who cannot lie, who by two immutable things that God cannot lie, he confirmed his promise by an oath to Abraham. In like manner, we trust in the promise of God, knowing that God cannot lie and our hope in Christ is an anchor of our soul during the storms of this life.


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