Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 37 of 57

Purpose of the Church – Custodian of the Truth

God has set up his church to be the pillar and ground for his truth in this world. God has given us the truth in the word of God and in the witness of Jesus Christ. It is up to the disciples of Christ to defend God’s truth to a scoffing world. If the church doesn’t stand for truth in this world, who will?


For Such A Time As This (Esther 4)

As we reach the climax in the book of Esther, Mordecai calls upon Esther to intercede with the king to save her people, the Jews. Mordecai believes that perhaps God has providentially put her in this position “for such a time as this”. In our own lives, God is guiding and preparing us for such a time as this as well. We cannot fully know the full extent of how and where God is guiding us and preparing us to serve him in a might way now or in the future, for such a time as this.


The Armour of God

These messages were delivered by Pastor David on the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast from October 2020 to March 2021. From Ephesians 6:10-20, we consider the necessity of putting on the whole armour of God to withstand the wiles of the devil. Just as a Roman legionary (pictured to left) must be fully equipped for battle with every necessary piece of his armour to be successful in the warfare, the child of God must also be fully prepared to fight in service to the Lord in his army. We are all soldiers in the Lord’s army and must put on all 7 pieces of the armour of God, lest we be extremely vulnerable to the attacks of Satan. In our warfare of faith, we must be strong and trust in the power of God’s might and put on the whole armour of God.

Purpose of the Church – Love God & Love Others

The primary purpose of the church is to glorify God. Probably the primary way we glorify God is obeying the greatest commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and to love others as Christ has loved us. We show love to God when we love others unconditionally, freely, and graciously, in the same way that God has freely loved us.


2021 February Fellowship Meeting

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Congregational Singing – Saturday Morning

Congregational Singing – Saturday Afternoon

Healing Power of Jesus – Elder Tony Lester

The Law & The Tabernacle – Elder Joe Nettles

Jesus in the Old Testament – Elder David Pyles

Jesus Saw, Stood & Saved – Lic. Ben Shettles

Much More – Elder Larry Wise

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sealing of the Holy Spirit – Lic. Morgan Sims

Fellowship in Jesus Christ – Elder David Wise

Fellowship in Jesus Christ

2021 Fellowship Meeting. Pastor David Wise discusses our fellowship in the church. When we have fellowship one with another in the church, we actually have fellowship with Jesus Christ himself when we meet together to fellowship under the name of the Lord.


Sealing of the Holy Spirit

2021 Fellowship Meeting. Lic. Morgan Sims rightly divides the new birth in scripture. Men are born again by the immediate, direct work of the Holy Spirit upon the heart of the dead, alien sinner. After that work of the new birth, when we believe the gospel, there is a special seal of approval that God gives us in our hearts with assurance of our salvation.


Much More

2021 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Larry Wise considers the “much more’s” of the Bible. We have been given much more in Jesus Christ. Sin abounded in this world and in our lives, but grace did much more abound. We have been given grace in eternal salvation, but we also receive more grace here in our lives as well.


Jesus Saw, Stood & Saved

2021 Fellowship Meeting. Lic. Ben Shettles considers Jesus Christ as the Rock of our salvation. Jesus did not offer salvation to the sinner, but Jesus Christ fully saved us on the cross. Now, we trust in Jesus for our protection from this world as our Rock and Defender.


Jesus in the Old Testament

2021 Fellowship Meeting. Elder David Pyles considers types of Jesus Christ in Moses and Joshua. Moses interceded for the people asking forgiveness for their sins to protect them from God’s consuming wrath. We see Joshua as a type of Jesus Christ and the destruction of Jericho by Joshua as a type of the end of the world.


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