Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 36 of 57

The Most High Ruleth in the Kingdom of Men

God is in sovereign control of the kingdoms of men and he gives authority over those kingdoms to whomever he sees fit. We see the amazing providence and sovereignty of God to move the heart of kings and to elevate unlikely characters to positions of power, particularly Mordecai, Daniel, and Joseph. We do not need to be discouraged with the political environment today because God is still in control, the Most High still ruleth in the kingdom of men.


The Sanctity of Life

There is arguably no topic where the church needs to speak out more boldly in our current society than in the defense of the sanctity of life. All persons, both inside and outside of the womb, are made in the image of God with inherent value endowed by their Creator. We consider the scriptural defense of the sanctity of all human life, and the church’s responsibility to speak up and defend the life of the innocent who cannot defend themselves. (You may click on the link below to read and download a PDF copy of this article in another window.)

Click here to read and download PDF article on The Sanctity of Life

Functioning of the Body of Christ

What does the body of Christ of the church look like in action? How does the body function with different members working together? Every single member of the body is vitally important. No single member is more important than the other either. There is diversity in the body, but the body must still function in unity under the direction of our Head, Jesus Christ.


The Body of Christ

We consider the church as the body of Christ. We are literally bone of Jesus’ bone and flesh of Jesus’ flesh, one flesh, one body with Jesus Christ as the church, the bride of the Lord. We need to properly understand how a healthy body functions. A body cannot function for just a few hours a week and be healthy. Instead, the church is a 24/7/365 living organism that needs to be functioning and lively to honor the body’s head, Jesus Christ.


Book of Esther

From January 2021 to April 2021 on Wednesday nights, Pastor David preached through the book of Esther. In Esther, we see an exciting, pulse-pounding story of God’s providence and deliverance of his people by the unlikely sources of Esther and Mordecai. God’s providence is continually working in our lives as well for “such a time as this”, even if we cannot see how God’s providence is unfolding in the moment.

Jesus Christ’s Testimony from the Cross (Psalm 22)

One of the most amazing and precise prophecies of Jesus Christ and the cross is found in Psalm 22. We find Jesus speaking in the first person describing his vantage point from the cross, as he was scourged, beaten, blasphemed, with nails driven through his hands and feet, prophesied by David hundreds of years before crucifixion was even invented as a means of capital punishment. Let us consider the great suffering of our Savior on our behalf on the cross with finished the work of our eternal salvation – “he hath done this!”


A Stand for Their Life (Esther 8-10)

It can be very easy to become in despair when things look bad around us and a bad situation seems to be coming in the future. There was arguably no worse situation that the Jews in the Persian empire thinking they were going to be slaughtered in 11 months. Even though many of those Jews could not see it, God was powerfully working to deliver his people from that destruction. When the news came that the Jews now had the legal right to defend themselves and stand for their life, there was great joy, gladness, and a good day. God will never forsake his people, no matter how bad the circumstances. God will always deliver his people.


The Kingdom of God

We consider the church from the perspective of the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God has many dimensions in scripture, just like the church – the eternal heavenly kingdom, the kingdom in our hearts, and particularly the church kingdom. Jesus set up the church kingdom during his ministry, and now we called to “press into” this kingdom. We must forsake the entanglements of this world to diligently seek first the kingdom of God and sell all that we have to possess the treasure of the kingdom.


Establishment & Building of the Church

In the ministry of Jesus Christ, the visible manifestation of “his church” was established in this world. Jesus told Peter, upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Upon the rock of Jesus Christ, the revelation of God by Jesus Christ in the new birth, and a confession of Jesus as the Son of God was established as the bedrock principles of the church that we still have today.


Providential Insomnia (Esther 5-7)

We see the dramatic climax of Esther going in before the king to save her people from destruction. Not only does the king eventually hear and grant her petition, but Mordecai is exalted and Haman is eventually hanged on the same gallows he built for Mordecai. God’s providence can act fast, and we never know what mighty things God might do to depose wickedness and exalt righteous in the world around us.


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