Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 35 of 57

Is The Sinner’s Prayer Biblical?

Does the word of God command the sinner to pray a prayer to go to heaven? Actually, No. The Sinner’s Prayer to gain eternal life that is so common in Christianity today is not found in the word of God. However, we consider the True Sinner’s Prayer in the scriptures – “God be merciful to me a sinner!” We are not saved to heaven by praying a prayer, but when we confess our sin and have faith in God’s mercy, we experience salvation, peace, and assurance in our soul for the sin-sick child of God!


The Vineyard of God

We consider the Lord’s church as the vineyard of God. Jesus is the True Vine, God the Father is our Husbandman, and we are the Lord’s branches. God expects fruit from his branches, fruit from his vineyard. When we are not bringing forth fruit to the glory of God as we ought, God might see fit to remove us, just as he did the natural nation of Israel. Let us bring forth good and honorable fruit in the vineyard of our Lord.


Captain of the Distressed, Indebted, and Discontented

“And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.” (1 Sam. 22:2)

Where do we go when we are in distress, discontented, and feeling the pressure of debt in this world? We need to flee to the Captain of our salvation, Jesus Christ. In David’s day, there were men who were distressed, discontented, and in debt that sought out the man after God’s own heart, and he became a captain over this little band of 400 men. This world should vex our righteous soul. While we need to learn to be content in whatever state we are in (Phil. 4:11), our soul will never be fully content in this world. This world is full of distress, and we feel the pressure of both financial debt and the debt of our sin. When we feel that pressure, where do we go? Let us flee from the comforts of the city and dwell (even if it’s among the caves) with our Captain who will give us hope in the midst of our distress and discontentment.

Captain of the Distressed, Indebted, and Discontented

During the oppression of King Saul’s reign, there were some who were distressed, in debt, and discontented who sought out a captain, who sought out the rightful king, David. For those who are distressed, indebted, and discontented in this world, this points us towards the Captain of our salvation, Jesus Christ, that we should flee unto during our tribulation in our lives.


God of Heaven & Earth

God of Heaven

“5) And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O Lord: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints. 11) The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world and the fulness thereof, thou hast founded them.” (Psalm 89:5,11)

God’s glory and handiwork are declared and preached in the heavens and in the earth. There is no speech nor language where the voice of God’s creation does not preach to man of his Creator God (Ps. 19:1-6). The heavens and earth are so huge and vast we cannot comprehend them with our mortal minds. Our God fills heaven and earth (Jer. 23:24), but we are nothing and yea less than nothing. How could God take notice or be mindful of such insignificant parts of this universe? God was not just mindful of us but even sent his only begotten Son to die for our sins. “3) When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; 4) What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” (Ps. 8:3-4) We have to see how amazing God is and how worthless we are for only then we can stand properly amazed that God could love and die for us!

The Temple of God

We see that the temple of God was ordained by the Lord to be a place of worship and sacrifice to glorify God. The Lord set up his Old Testament temple to be the place of worship and glory, but Israel forsook God and worshipped false gods. Now, God intends to be worshipped in the temple of our bodies and spiritual Jews, consecrated for his worship and glory. We need to use the temple of our bodies for the honor and glory of God.


Rest For The Troubled

“And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.” (2 Thess. 1:7)

There were some devout disciples of the Thessalonian church who were enduring “trouble” from the enemies of the gospel. It is very easy in midst of such tribulation and trouble to be anxious, fearful, and to lose any inner peace. The Holy Spirit gives these troubled Christians a hope of “rest”. When will this “rest” come? Our final rest from the trouble of this world will occur at the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to destroy this world and to bring his children into “eternal rest” with God in heaven. We can “rest” together (“rest with us”) here in our lives expectantly looking for Christ’s second coming to usher in our eternal rest with God.

The House of God

The church of the Lord Jesus Christ is presented in scripture as the house of God. Jesus Christ is the chief corner stone and foundation of his house. The members of God’s church are now lively stones that are chosen to build up a spiritual house. We ought to strive to be vessels meet for the master’s use in the house of God.


Contrasting Types in the Bible

Visiting Minister Elder Sammy Odom considers various contrasting types in the scriptures. While we normally consider types to be similar to something, we now consider types that are contrasting opposites, such as the 3 accounts of sureties in the Bible and how they contrast with Jesus Christ as our eternal surety for sin.


Rest For The Troubled

This world is filled with trouble and tribulation on every side for the child of God. It is very easy to get discouraged in the middle of all that trouble. Instead, we need to turn our eyes to our eternal rest in Jesus Christ. There is rest for the weary, but our ultimate eternal rest will be finally be ushered in by Jesus Christ at His second coming. Lord Jesus come quickly!


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