Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 34 of 57

Spread It Before The Lord

In the face of blasphemous threats from the Assyrians to destroy their faith in God, Hezekiah remains faithful to the Lord and spreads the matter before the Lord in prayer. God delivers his people in a mighty way by slaying 185,000 Assyrians and slaying their blasphemous king. Today, in our spiritual warfare against Satan, we must ignore Satan’s threats and undermining God’s word and trust in God for deliverance and victory.


Spiritual Gifts – Giving, Ruling & Mercy

We consider the last 3 of the 7 spiritual gifts given unto the church, which are giving, ruling, and showing mercy. Some in the church have been given a great aptitude to give of their money and time to help others. Other members have a gift of leadership and administration to organize tasks and accomplish projects in the church. Some members have also been given a great heart for showing mercy to those in need. All of these spiritual gifts are integral and vital to the health of the overall body of Christ.


Spiritual Gifts – Teaching & Exhortation

We consider the spiritual gifts in the church of teaching and exhortation. The church should have a dynamic teaching environment; parents teaching children; older members teaching younger members; teaching and admonishing one another through hymns and songs. Those with the gift of exhortation – such as Barnabas, the son of consolation – are great spiritual cheerleaders to encourage others in the church.


Our Eyes Are Upon Thee

We gain encouragement from God’s mighty deliverance of Jehoshaphat and Judah from their enemies. Against an enemy where they felt they had no might, and did not know what to do, their eyes were fixed on the Lord. The battle was not theirs, but the Lord’s. God destroyed their enemies in a mighty way and gave them deliverance. We need to live in faith, looking up to Jesus for deliverance in the battles of our life.


Our Eyes Are Upon Thee

“O our God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee.” (2 Chron. 20:12)

When facing perilous circumstances and a strong approaching enemy, Jehoshaphat sets a great example for seeking God and how we ought to respond to challenging times in our lives. He acknowledged in a natural, military sense, Judah had no might to defend themselves against this great company of armies. They don’t know what to do, but their eyes are fixed upon Jehovah God for deliverance. There are many times in our lives when we feel helpless and don’t know what we ought to do. During those times of desperation, we need to seek God in prayer, confessing our lack of clarity and not knowing what to do, but affirming our eyes are fixed upon God for deliverance and mercy. When we don’t know what to do, that is the time we need to turn our eyes to God in faith in prayer for deliverance.

Spiritual Gifts – Prophecy & Ministry

Every single person has been given a spiritual gift (or multiple gifts) to edify the body of Christ. We need to cultivate our spiritual gifts to help other people in the church. Some have been given the spiritual gift of prophecy, a gift to preach or a gift of wise biblical counsel to others. Some have been given the special gift of ministry to others, to serve them in their time of need.


Proverbs Topical Verse Summary

There is tremendous value for God’s people in studying the wisdom of the book of the Proverbs. However, a large portion of the book is very sporadic with short proverbs jumping from one topic to another very quickly, many times changing from one verse to the next. I have attempted to summarize the book of Proverbs based on major topics that are very prevalent in the book to help aid in my study of this book (and hopefully your study as well). This topical verse summary is no substitute for reading this book verse by verse as it was inspired by the Holy Spirit. In addition to that expositional reading, we hope this topical grouping of the book will help us see the Proverbs’ treatment of major topics all grouped together instead of finding these verses sprinkled all throughout the book.

Click here to download a PDF copy of Proverbs Topical Verse Summary

The Candlestick of God

The church of Jesus Christ is presented in scripture as being a candlestick of the Lord. Each individual church is a candlestick that should be unified to shine forth to light this dark world to the glory of God. We ought not put our candlestick in a secret place or under a bushel, but shine forth our light to a dark world in our local communities that men might see our good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven.


Lessons from Titus

Lic. Morgan Sims goes through the book of Titus giving practical admonitions from these scriptures. We have eternal security of salvation because God that cannot lie promised eternal life before the world began. Therefore, we must be vigilant to hold steadfastly to sound doctrine, rejecting false teachers, and to maintain good works to honor the Lord.


Is The Sinner’s Prayer Biblical?

It is commonly accepted and taught in Christianity today that one must choose to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved to heaven. As the confirmation of this belief to secure eternal life, they are called upon to pray the “Sinner’s Prayer” and invite Jesus into their heart and accept Christ as their Personal Savior. Therefore, let us consider this question together. Is praying the “Sinner’s Prayer” for salvation a biblical command? The scriptural answer is both “yes” and no”. Yes, born-again sinners are called upon to pray unto God and confess Jesus as our Savior. No, this prayer does not result in gaining eternal life. The praying of this prayer does not initiate the new birth or change one from dead in sins to life in Christ. No, the praying of the Sinner’s Prayer is rather the “evidence” of eternal salvation (John 5:24), not the “cause” of eternal salvation. This prayer does not cause the new birth in the sinner’s heart, but this prayer does give peace and assurance to the soul of the already born-again child of God who is burdened and convicted over their sin. There is a salvation and deliverance for the child of God in praying the Sinner’s Prayer, but that salvation occurs in their heart and in their life here, not in gaining eternal life. Belief, confession, and prayer are always the “evidence” and “effect” of the new birth and eternal life, never the “cause” of gaining eternal life in heaven. We will consider the proper treatment of the Sinner’s Prayer according to the word of God.

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