Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 31 of 57

4 Activities of the Original Church – Apostles’ Doctrine

We see the simplicity of the original church engaging in 4 main activities, steadfast commitment to uphold the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers. We will inevitably compromise other practices in the church if we attempt to supplement the original apostles’ doctrine in the word of God. We see that the apostles vehemently upheld salvation by Christ alone and salvation by grace alone.


Worship in the Church – Prayer & Preaching

The church ought to be engaged in public prayers together, especially when there is a great need in the church, such as sickness or imprisonment. The church is called to be a house of prayer. Also, God ordained that by the foolishness of preaching that God’s children would be saved to the knowledge of the truth. Let us never diminish the power of the preaching of the gospel to save God’s children from despair and heartache in this world.


The God of All Comfort

When we endure tribulation, it is not solely to grit our teeth and survive it, but God gives us those trials so that we can console and comfort others in their own troubles. We have peace that Jesus Christ is the God of all comfort, he has a never-ending supply of comfort and consolation for his burdened children. God will send comfort to us through the fellowship of our kindred in Christ and through good news from a far country.


Worship in the Church – Singing

God set up the worship in his church in a very simplistic way. We consider one of the 3 components of public worship, singing with grace in our hearts to the Lord. We sing to teach and admonish one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Singing is a great way to learn scripture and edify each other. We can encourage each other through the song service and Jesus Christ sings right along with us in the church.


God’s Sovereignty in Spiritual Creation

God’s sovereignty and power is manifested in natural creation. God created man and all the heavens and earth according to his own will and pleasure and did not need man’s consent or approval to make him a living soul. In like manner, men are born again by the sovereign power of God, not by a cooperative effort or condition that man meets that will give him spiritual life. After the spiritual creation occurs in the new birth, there are actions in our life that should be manifested to exhibit the spiritual work of creation that God has done in our heart.

Preached at Lexington PBC (Lexington, KY) on 8/25/21


Praying for the Holy Spirit

Jesus told us to pray for the Holy Spirit. This is not an invitation for God to born us again by the Holy Ghost, but a special communion with the Spirit in our lives. Every problem we have, every mistake we make is really a deficiency of the Holy Ghost. Therefore, let us pray for the Holy Spirit to fill us and lead and guide us in our lives.

Preached at Bethlehem PBC (Echola, AL) on 5/26/2021


Ravens & Widows – God’s Unlikely Providences

God uses some very unlikely means to providentially bless his children. Considering Elijah, we can see that God used the unclean ravens to feed him and then sent him to a widow on her last meal, the last place we would think to be sustained in a drought. In like manner, God can use us as his agents of providence to bless others in ways we would not expect.

Preached at Zion PBC (Gordo, AL) on 11/1/2020


Pastors & Teachers

God has gifted men as pastors and teachers in his church to edify the body of Christ. Pastors are appointed by the Holy Ghost as a shepherd of a local flock. Pastors are given a special love for the local church that is as deep as a parent for a child, willing even to impart their own souls unto the church. God has appointed pastors and teachers to build up his flock in unity, to protect the sheep from false teaching, and strengthen every single member of the church.


The Son of Consolation

Barnabas was so devoted to exhorting, consoling, and encouraging his brethren, the apostles gave him the name of the son of consolation. We see Barnabas’ encouraging nature, standing up for Paul and John Mark when it was very unpopular to put his arm around them. Then, Jesus Christ is the ultimate Son of Consolation, the Consolation of Israel, giving us everlasting consolation in his grace.


Apostles, Prophets & Evangelists

We consider the first 3 of 4 gifts of the gospel ministry. God called apostles and prophets for a specific purpose in the establishment of the early church, but those gifts are vacant today. We consider the pattern for the gift of an evangelist by following the life of Philip the Evangelist. Philip preached Jesus in Samaria, sparking a revival. Left prosperity in Samaria to preach to one eunuch in the desert; then preached in all the cities till he arrived at Caesarea where he ministered and evangelized for possibly the next 20 years.


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