Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 3 of 57

A Sound Mind

Arguably Satan’s greatest battleground is our mind, to blind and deceive our minds and lead us to fear. Therefore, we have to display self-control over our thoughts to not let Satan deceive our minds that leads us to sin in our actions. Instead of us being captive to our fleshly minds, we must bring our thoughts into captivity unto the obedience of Christ.


Abraham’s Joy in Christ’s Day

Jesus Christ points the scoffing Jews back to their supposed father, Abraham, who saw the day of Christ and rejoiced in it. In a special way, Abraham was able to see a prefigure of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, upon Mount Moriah as the ram took the place of his son, Isaac, on the alter. In a similar way to Abraham and Moses, we can see Jesus Christ by faith in our lives today as well.


Who Is He That Condemneth?

All of God’s children struggle with the warfare between the flesh and the Spirit that we have described to us in depth in Romans 7. Many days we feel like we are losing the daily battles in that warfare and might be prone to feel condemned. God gives us beautiful truths in Romans 8 that we should reach the same conclusion in our conscience as the Lord – that there is no condemnation to those that are in Jesus Christ.


Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Jesus Christ is the perfect expression of love, and our greatest remedy to conquer fear is likely the perfect love of Christ that drives out fear. If we are in the torment of fear, we are not made perfect in love. We need to strive to obey better the greatest commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. If we are fearful, we need to pray for others and help others to show love to others and thus show greater love to Jesus Christ.


The Power of Christ

We many times don’t understand or forget the true power that resides inside of every child of God. The power of Christ resides in our soul, Christ in you the hope of glory. The perfect faith and perfect love of Christ resides inside of us, and our calling is to work out that perfect faith that God has worked in our soul in the new birth. Our challenge is to get ourselves out of the way and allow the power of Christ to shine through our weakness.


Hearing of God’s Words

Who has the capacity and ability to hear God’s words? Jesus answers this question definitively for us in John 8 – only those who are “of God” hear God’s words. We do not have the ability to just choose to hear the words of God to be born again. Rather, those who hear God’s words are evidence that they have already been born again, that they are already “of God”.


The Will of God

These messages were delivered by Pastor David on the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast from September 2023 to March 2024. For the sincere child of God, we want to follow and be obedient to God’s will. However, practically speaking, what actually is God’s will? how do I know and discern God’s will for my life? how does God guide His children in walking in His will? In this sermon series together, we consider the verses that address God’s will in scripture and try to consider some practical ways that we can discern and walk in accordance with God’s will during our lives.

Click here to view and download the PDF outline of The Will of God Study Guide


Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.

God’s Will & Our Purpose

Three Types of God’s Will – God’s Sovereign Will

Three Types of God’s Will – God’s Commanded Will

Three Types of God’s Will – God’s Providential Will

What is God’s Will for My Life? – Part 1

What is God’s Will for My Life? – Part 2

What is God’s Will for My Life? – Part 3

Wisdom to Discern God’s Will – Part 1

Wisdom to Discern God’s Will – Part 2

This is the Way, Walk Ye In It

Waiting on God’s Perfect Timing

Trusting God’s Will in Faith

God, The Perfect Potter

Walking in God’s Will

The Fear of God

These are only 2 types of fear in this world: 1) the fear of God, 2) the spirit of fear. The primary remedy to conquer the spirit of fear is the fear of God. A reverential love and respect for God as our Heavenly Father will lead us to obey his commandments and depart from evil. When we are making decisions on a daily basis, our primary deciding factor should be the fear of the Lord, not the other fears of this world that might cloud our judgment.


Fear of Death

Satan desires to put God’s people in bondage through the fear of death. If we walk around every day in fear for our lives, then inevitably we will not be very profitable in the kingdom of God. Through Christ’s resurrection, we have been liberated from the bondage of the fear of death and can joyfully look forward to the day we meet our Savior.


Truth Shall Make You Free Indeed

This world and Satan attempts to put us into bondage, but the truth of Jesus Christ gives us freedom and liberty. Whether it be lying or a false gospel, many of God’s children walk around with a yoke of bondage around their neck. When we rest and trust in the truth of Christ, we are liberated from that bondage to walk in freedom and peace.


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