Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 29 of 57

Bearing Fruit

Visiting minister Elder Luke Laird shows us the necessity of bearing fruit by abiding in the true vine. We need to stand to bear fruit in our lives, regardless of the challenges that might come against us. Considering the example of the 3 Hebrew children, we need to bear fruit unto the Lord even in the midst of our trials.


Philemon, Refresher of the Saints

Paul introduces his personal letter to Philemon by commending his great faith and love to all saints. He particularly commends Philemon for continually refreshing the bowels (the heart) of the saints. We need to follow the pattern of Philemon and refresh (offer rest, calm, and peace) to our fellow saints around us.


No Condemnation

There is no eternal condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, saved by the blood of Christ on the cross. However, we can “feel condemned” in our lives if we choose to walk after the flesh and not walk after the Spirit. We consider the example of the woman caught in adultery and justly worthy of death. Instead of Jesus condemning the guilty sinner, Jesus says I do not condemn thee. Then, as an effect of the knowledge of our forgiveness by Christ, we need to go and live holy and righteous lives – go and sin no more.

Preached at Bethany PBC (Ecru, MS) on 10/31/2021.


Abraham Rejoiced to See My Day

Jesus describes how Abraham rejoiced to see his day; he saw it and was glad. How did Abraham see the day of Jesus 1,800 years before he was born? By faith, Abraham saw the Lamb of God offered as a substitutionary sacrifice for the elect on Mount Moriah as he was called to offer his only begotten son, Isaac. We see the providence of God in providing a ram to save Isaac, just as the Lamb of God was offered on the very same Mount Moriah to take away the sins of God’s children.

Preached at Bethany PBC (Ecru, MS) on 10/31/2021.


Introduction to Philemon – Servants & Masters

We begin to consider the small personal epistle to Philemon. Onesimus is a runaway slave indebted to Philemon who is converted in Rome by Paul and then Paul sends him back home to Colossae to be reconciled with his master. We consider the dynamics of the servant and master relationship in Bible times and learn lessons for how we are respect authority and serve the Lord in our positions of servant as well.


The Church’s Responsibility to Each Other – Love

The greatest commandment that Jesus Christ gave for his church was to love one another. By our love for each other in the church is how all men will know that we are disciples of Christ. We manifest and show that love, not solely by words but by ministering to and serving other saints. The church also should provoke each other unto love and good works, particularly in not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.


Book of Ephesians

From June to ___ 2024, Pastor David preached through the Book of Ephesians.

7 Results of the Early Church’s Steadfast Devotion

We have considered the early church’s steadfast continuance in doctrine, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayers. Now, we see the 7 results or effects of the original church’s steadfast commitment to those activities. If we do not see these effects in our churches today, we must honestly evaluate how we are engaging in the 4 core activities of the early church.


Saved By Keeping in Memory

We can be saved by keeping in memory the word of God. This salvation by the scriptures is not to gain eternal life but to deliver the child of God’s heart from the perils of this world. We need to learn and memorize God’s word to protect our mind from the dangers of sin.

Preached at Bethlehem PBC (Echola, AL) on 10/2/2021.


Who Am I? & Here Am I

In this message, we examine the two phrases, “Who am I?’ and “Here am I!” Using Moses as a starting point and other examples in scripture, we see that we must have a sense of our own unworthiness and God’s complete worthiness in order to be fit for service in His Kingdom.

Preached at Zion PBC (Gordo, AL) on 8/8/2021.


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