Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 28 of 57

The Church’s Responsibility to Each Other – Part 3

As we conclude our series on What is the Church, we consider further obligations that we have to other members of the body of Christ. We need to forgive one another, teach and lead one another, comfort one another, and exhort one another. We need to interact on a frequent, if possible even daily basis. If we are properly following the commands of Jesus Christ, the Head of the church, then we will operate in perfect unity in the body of Christ.


For Love’s Sake

Paul beseeches Philemon to forgive and receive back the runaway slave, Onesimus, as a brother in Christ. He does not command or charge him to forgive. Instead, he begs him to forgive “for love’s sake”. We are reminded that we are just like Onesimus in our nature, unprofitable, rebellious, runaway slaves from our Master. However, God received us back with love for Christ’s sake. When we are reminded of God’s great love for us, we can then forgive others that have wronged us for Christ’s sake, for love’s sake.


Mount Zion, The Joy of the Whole Earth

2021 Annual Meeting. Elder David Wise considers Mount Zion, the church kingdom, which is the joy of the whole earth. Our greatest joy in this world should be pressing into the kingdom of God. God has given us the New Jerusalem which is from above, coming down from heaven to earth. We can experience the joy unspeakable of heaven in a small way when we commune with God in his city, in his mountain, in Mount Zion.


Regeneration and Conversion

2021 Annual Meeting. Elder Ben Winslett rightly divides the difference between regeneration and conversion in scripture. Regeneration is solely by the power and work of the Holy Spirit upon the heart of the sinner apart from any means of man or the gospel. Our theology of regeneration must be the same for every single child of God, not different means of the new birth for different people. Then, after regeneration, we must be converted on a regular basis, turning from our own desires to serve the true and living God.


Hold Your Horses, The Danger of a Snapshot

2021 Annual Meeting. Elder Ben Winslett cautions against our tendency to judge someone’s eternal state based on a small snapshot of their lives. We do not have all the information and are unqualified to judge definitively on anyone’s eternal state. We consider the example of King Manasseh. Throughout most of his life, he was the most wicked king that Judah had. From one account, we would consider him a wicked non-elect man that went to hell. However, from another account of scripture we see how God changed Manasseh later in his life, he repented and evidenced he was among God’s children.


How to Live Faithfully in Spiritual Babylon

2021 Annual Meeting. Elder Chris McCool considers the spiritual warfare of Daniel and the Hebrew young men in Babylonian captivity. Babylon (a picture of the world apart from God in scripture) attempts to corrupt the young people of God by separating from godly influences, controlling education and teaching their sinful customs, changing their names, and attempting to change their diet. Instead of succumbing to the pressures of Babylon, Daniel and the Hebrew young men refused to defile themselves with the world and God blessed their faithfulness with favor before the king.


How Dead are the Dead?

2021 Annual Meeting. Elder Chris McCool gives us the real meaning of the word “dead” in sins. How dead is dead? There is no ability to participate, engage, act, or exercise the will in the realm to which one is dead. Therefore, if one is dead in trespasses and sins, there is absolutely no ability for the sinner to come unto Christ to believe in him and gain eternal life. When we understand how dead in sins natural man truly is, the only answer for salvation must be the sovereignty of God in giving life to those who are dead.


2021 November Annual Meeting

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Congregational Singing – Saturday Morning

Congregational Singing – Saturday Afternoon

How Dead are the Dead? – Elder Chris McCool

How to Live Faithfully in Spiritual Babylon – Elder Chris McCool

Hold Your Horses, The Danger of a Snapshot – Elder Ben Winslett

Regeneration and Conversion – Elder Ben Winslett

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Mount Zion, The Joy of the Whole Earth – Elder David Wise

Annual and Fellowship Meeting Sermons


2024 February Fellowship Meeting


2023 February Fellowship Meeting

2023 November Annual Meeting


2022 February Fellowship Meeting

2022 November Annual Meeting


2021 February Fellowship Meeting

2021 November Annual Meeting


2020 February Fellowship Meeting

2020 October Annual Meeting

The Church’s Responsibility to Each Other – Part 2

Every member of the church has a responsibility to every other member of the body of Christ to put their needs before their own. We need to pray for one another. We need to confess our faults one to another. We need to bear one another’s burdens. We need to be engaged to help the erring brother from straying off the strait and narrow path. We need to love one another as Christ loved his church.


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