Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 26 of 57

The Potter’s Field

When Judas betrayed Jesus, he was given 30 pieces of silver. He then returned his bounty and the Pharisees used that money to purchase a potter’s field to bury strangers in. This unique event was actually prophesied hundreds of years before by Zechariah. Therefore, the blood of Jesus purchased a field full of broken vessels, just like me and you. Christ has redeemed his own potter’s field of broken vessels by his blood on the cross.


This is the Day

We need to rejoice in each day the Lord has graciously given us. However, our primary means of joy should be in the day of Jesus Christ when he was rejected for our sakes. Despite being despised and rejected by the Jews, Christ still was exalted to become the head cornerstone of his church and saved his people from our sins. The day of Jesus Christ and his salvation from our sins should be the primary means of our joy to rejoice in each day the Lord has given unto us.


Baptized by Fire

It’s an unfortunate reality that the church has become lukewarm and cold. This has occurred because we have removed ourselves from close fellowship with Jesus Christ, our Consuming Fire. Just as on the Day of Pentecost, we need to pray for God to “immerse” and fully fill us up with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Fire will purge away the dross of unprofitable discipleship in our lives. Let us pray that the church will be baptized with fire by the Holy Ghost.


2022 Glad Tidings

Click the links below to read and download each month’s Glad Tidings Newsletter.

January 2022 Glad Tidings

February 2022 Glad Tidings

March 2022 Glad Tidings

April 2022 Glad Tidings

May 2022 Glad Tidings

June 2022 Glad Tidings

July 2022 Glad Tidings

August 2022 Glad Tidings

September 2022 Glad Tidings

October 2022 Glad Tidings

November 2022 Glad Tidings

December 2022 Glad Tidings

The Year of Jubilee

In every 50th year in Israel, there was a year of liberty, a year of jubilee where all lands were returned, servants and bondmen set free. This announcement of liberty was made on the Day of Atonement. We consider our spiritual year of jubilee when Jesus Christ purchased our liberty by his blood on the Day of Atonement. The gospel of Christ’s work now proclaims liberty to the captives. We have liberty in the gospel and kingdom, looking forward to the second coming of Christ when we shall experience the true year of jubilee liberated from the bondage of this world.


The Work and Word of Reconciliation

As we conclude the book of Philemon, we see the beautiful doctrine of “reconciliation” displayed in these 3 main characters. This points us towards Jesus Christ who performed the work of reconciliation and brought us back into peace with God our Father. Now, preachers like Paul have been called to declare unto us the word of reconciliation, the gospel that Jesus has already saved us. Then, the final admonition is that we “get reconciled to God.” We don’t get reconciled to God to gain eternal life, but we reconcile in our own minds the reality of salvation we already have by grace alone through Jesus Christ.


Book of Philemon

From October 2021 to January 2022 on Wednesday nights, Pastor David preached through the small epistle to Philemon. This personal letter from Paul to Philemon to forgive and receive back his runaway slave, Onesimus, gives us a beautiful picture of Christ’s redemption, reconciliation, and payment of our debt to make us free from the bondage of sin.


Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.

Introduction to Philemon – Servants & Masters

Philemon, Refresher of the Saints – Philemon 1-7

For Love’s Sake – Philemon 8-14

One Mediator Between God & Men – Philemon 15-17

Put That on Mine Account – Philemon 18-19

The Work and Word of Reconciliation – Philemon 20-25

Redeeming the Time

Probably all of us feel like we have not made great use of our time during the last year. We need to be mindful to redeem – to buy back – our time, to control our time instead of time controlling us. We have over 21 million waking seconds each year that we have to utilize to serve our Lord. As we see from the Israelites not pressing into the promised land, we have to take advantage of opportunities and open doors when they are presented to us, redeeming the time.


Gospel of John

From November 2022 to ___ on Wednesday nights, Pastor David preached through the Gospel of John.

In introducing the Gospel of John, we also considered a topical survey of 1st John which presents similar major themes as John’s gospel. Sermons from 1st John can be found here.

Walking in Tune With the Holy Spirit (Simeon & Anna)

In the aftermath of Jesus’ birth, during their first trip to the temple for an offering, we see an amazing account of Simeon taking up the child, Jesus Christ. Simeon was told by the Holy Spirit he would see the Christ before he died. Then, he was so in tune with the Holy Ghost, that he was led by the Spirit directly to Jesus in the temple. Also, Anna the prophetess, by the direction of the Holy Spirit arrived at that location in that instant to also see the redemption of Israel. Let us follow the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives to have communion with the Son of God in the temple of our bodies.


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