Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 25 of 57

Able to Save Your Souls

God designed the preaching of the gospel to deliver our souls and hearts from the bondage that we often face in our lives. The gospel is the powerful, explosive, dynamite effect in the life of God’s children when you hear, believe, and then apply God’s word in their daily lives. There are many people who are lacking the full knowledge of the gospel, and we hope we will be bold to share the truth with them to save their souls from bondage and the untoward generation around them in their lives.


Christ Died for the Ungodly

We see from scripture that Jesus Christ did not die for “good people”. No, Christ died for the ungodly, when we were dead in sins, without strength, and enemies towards God. It’s hard to believe that God could love and give his only begotten Son to die for the sins of such wretched people as you and I. Praise God for loving the unlovable and saving us perfectly from our sins!

Preached at Tyler PBC (Tyler, TX) on 11/28/2021.


Humble Yourselves as Little Children

Jesus Christ many times used a small child as an example of humility for adults in the kingdom to emulate. We see children as being kind, unpretentious, and quick to forgive others, so much more than grown adults that should have learned better. As Jesus commanded, we all need to be converted and become as little children to press into the kingdom of God.

Preached at Fair Haven PBC (Tifton, GA) on 11/6/2021.


Lessons on Forgiveness

It is our duty to forgive others as Christ has forgiven us. When we understand the great magnitude of sin that we have been graciously forgiven through the blood of Jesus, there is no offense that we cannot forgive others in the name of Jesus Christ. Let us look to the cross and see the great magnitude of offenses before God and freely forgive others who trespass against us.

Preached at Fair Haven PBC (Tifton, GA) on 11/6/2021.


Blessing of Being Chosen

If we ever get discouraged and depressed in this world, there should be no greater remedy to lift our spirits than to be reminded that God chose and elected to love us before the world began. It is an indescribable, incomprehensible blessing to have been chosen and loved by Almighty God. Let us thank our great God for the blessing of election today!

Preached at Fair Haven PBC (Tifton, GA) on 11/5/2021.


Living the Abundant Life

God gives spiritual life in the new birth sovereignly by his Holy Spirit. After we are born again, we can now live the abundant life in close fellowship with our Heavenly Father. However, if we choose to live in disobedience, we can experience the “death” of God’s judgment and chastisement of his children. We can live in close abundant fellowship with Jesus Christ when we choose the strait gate of discipleship that leads to life.


Barabbas & Substitution

We find in scripture 3 violent malefactors condemned to death, leading a recent insurrection that led to murder. One of these malefactors, Barabbas, is released instead of Jesus Christ, the innocent Son of God. Jesus Christ literally steps into the shoes and bears the suffering that Barabbas deserved – scourging, suffering, crucifixion, and ultimately death. This is a beautiful picture of Jesus substitutionary atonement of all his children on the cross, dying the death we deserved so that we may live with God in heaven.


Quickened by Thy Word

The Psalmist prayed to be quickened (revived, made alive) according to God’s word. We need to be revived by God’s word. The scriptures give us light to save and protect us from many perils and judgments in this world. Let us pray along with the Psalmist that God would quicken and revive us according to the word of the Lord.


The Value of God’s Word (Psalm 19)

God has inspired and preserved his word for his people to protect us from peril and that our joy may be full. The word of God can convert our soul by protecting us from God’s judgment in sin. We should value God’s word as more valuable and more precious than great riches in this world and more sweet than our favorite food. As we meditate on God’s word in our lives, our hearts and the words of our mouth will honor and glorify our great God.


The Value of God’s Word

“7) The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. 8) The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. 9) The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. 10) More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” (Ps. 19:7-10)

In Psalm 19, after a discussion of the gospel of creation that is uttered in every language (v.1-6), the psalmist David then turns his attention to the gospel we have given unto us in the written word of God (v.7-14). We see 6 concise statements from v.7-9, describing the word of God in different ways, the purity of God’s word, and the effects of God’s word. As we consider the amazing value of God’s word in our lives, we must ask ourselves, how much do we really value and love God’s word? Scripture repeatedly declares that we should value God’s word above gold, yea above much fine gold. Do we really value God’s word above material wealth in this world? I’m afraid for many of us (myself included most of the time) the answer is a definitive “No!” We will consider the amazing value of God’s word in our lives and hopefully will treasure God’s word as our most valuable possession in our lives. May we crave the sweetness of God’s word above honey or the honeycomb (or whatever your favorite food is to satisfy your sweet tooth). Let us pray that God will bless us all to fall in love with God’s word together.

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