Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 24 of 57

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of Heaven

As we begin to examine the kingdom of heaven, Jesus commanded that we must seek the kingdom of God first and foremost in our lives. God has called and translated us into the kingdom of heaven by the new birth. We can now see, experience, and enter into the kingdom of heaven. We must press into the kingdom into greater fellowship with the King by seeking first the kingdom of heaven.


Hidden With Christ In God

What a comforting thought to be reminded that our life is hidden with Christ in God! We are safely protected in the cleft of Jesus’ Rock, and there is nothing that can endanger us. We have been placed “in Christ” from before the world began, and there is nothing that can get us “out of Christ”. We can rest in safety and security with the protection of both Jesus Christ and God our Father.


The God of All Possibilities

Many times we are unaware of how much we put God in a box and limit his powerful working in our lives. We need to be reminded that our Lord is the God of All Possibilities – truly, with God all things are possible! Unfortunately, when we do not believe God, we can limit the Holy One of Israel. Even Jesus did not do many mighty works in Nazareth because of their unbelief. Let us trust God in faith, but also remember that God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all we can ask or think! With God all things are possible!


Fellowship of Christ’s Sufferings

2022 Fellowship Meeting. Pastor David Wise considers the necessity of suffering for close, intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, as a whole, the church is comfortable and at ease in Zion. However, we will not experience true, intimate fellowship with Christ during comfort and prosperity. As time marches on, there will only be more persecution of Christians, not less. But let’s not be discouraged, but view that suffering as a great opportunity to have intimate close fellowship with Jesus Christ.



2022 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Tim McCool focuses on the lukewarm nature of the Laodicean church, and by implication, the church in America today. We feel to be rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing. Instead, we need to see our sin, see our frailty, be zealous and repent, and open the door of fellowship to Jesus Christ into our homes and churches.


The Whole Armour of God

2022 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Charles Kitchens reminds us of the necessity of putting on the whole armor of God in our daily spiritual warfare. We are in a spiritual battle between Satan and the world every single day and we will be overcome in this battle if we don’t properly protect ourselves with God’s armor. We also consider the anonymous disciples that honor God, particularly the unnamed maid and servants in the healing of Namaan the leper.


Vanity of Vanities

2022 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Josh King describes the vanity and emptiness of indulging in this world particularly as lived out by Solomon. King Solomon indulged the fleshly desires in this world to the fullest degree possible and his verdict and conclusion was that it was empty and vain. Let us not follow in Solomon’s poor footsteps ourselves. There is no joy for the child of God by indulging the world. Instead, let us forsake the vanity of this world and press towards true joy unspeakable in Jesus Christ.


Saved by the Gospel

2022 Fellowship Meeting. Elder John Staten emphasizes the necessity of preaching the gospel for the experiential salvation and deliverance of God’s children. The gospel gives hope to the poor, sets at liberty the captives, and binds up the oppressed and bruised. We need to be saved and delivered by God’s word. Let us not neglect the word of God that can give us so much peace and deliverance in our lives.


Come & Dine

2022 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Neil Honea considers the account of Peter going fishing with the disciples. They toiled all night relying on their own might. All the while, Jesus was on the shore preparing coals and fish for their supper. When we toil out by ourselves out in the world, we will always come home empty. However, we need to follow Jesus’ invitation to come and dine with Christ.


2022 February Fellowship Meeting

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Congregational Singing – Saturday Morning

Congregational Singing – Saturday Afternoon

Come & Dine – Elder Neil Honea

Saved by the Gospel – Elder John Staten

Vanity of Vanities – Elder Josh King

The Whole Armour of God – Elder Charles Kitchens

Lukewarm – Elder Tim McCool

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Fellowship of Christ’s Sufferings – Elder David Wise

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