Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 23 of 57

Two Manner of People

Clear Springs PBC Meeting. Elder Buddy Abernathy distinguishes between the only two manner (or kinds) of people in this world – the elect who love God and the non-elect who do not love God. The non-elect have a wicked heart and cannot love or serve God. God has given his chosen elect a new heart to be able to love God and to serve and glorify him each day.


The Greatest Sermon(s) Ever Preached

On the road to Emmaus, two disciples were discouraged because they had lost faith in Jesus Christ, that he failed in redeeming Israel. Then, Jesus preached to these 2 disciples the greatest sermon in the history of world, as he expounded all the scriptures in Moses and the prophets concerning him. They did not even understand this greatest sermon, but their hearts did burn within them. Then, when they returned to Jerusalem, Jesus appears a second time to the disciples and opened their understanding for all the scriptures concerning his death and resurrection.


The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You

Jesus’ kingdom is not a natural, physical kingdom; it is not of this world. The primary experience and expression of God’s kingdom is experienced in the regenerated heart of God’s children. We can feel righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost in our souls and special communion with our King in the kingdom of heaven within us in our hearts.


Following Your Heart – From a Wicked Heart to a New Heart

It is unfortunately very common advice in our humanistic culture today to tell you to “follow your heart”. Nothing could be more dangerous advice for God’s children. As Solomon and the Holy Spirit said, only a “fool” would trust and follow his own heart blindly. Our natural hearts are wicked, deceitful above all things, desperately evil, and enmity with God. With man’s heart in such a wicked natural state, God must give us a new heart to serve and love God. God takes away our stony, wicked heart, and gives us a heart of flesh tendered by the Holy Spirit to follow the guidance of the Lord.


Following Your Heart

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” (Prov. 4:23)

The mantra of the world tells you to “follow your heart”. That can be very dangerous advice for the Christian to follow their heart if they are not aligned with God’s word. The heart of the natural man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9). Therefore, in the church, we are prone to make the bold, universal statement “DO NOT follow your heart”. While we certainly need to caution against “blindly” following your heart, I would say that is not entirely scripturally correct. We see that for the born-again child of God, the Lord has given you a new heart. This new heart from God is not deceitful and wicked but is pure and made in the image of God within us. We must certainly discern the thoughts and burdens of our hearts in prayer and by consulting God’s word to ensure that God is guiding our hearts and that Satan is not deceiving our hearts. God does guide his children by the burdens of our heart. Therefore, we don’t need to blindly follow our hearts, but instead, we need to discern our hearts and God’s will through prayer, faithful counsel, studying God’s word, and godly wisdom.  

The Spiritual Israel of God

In the Old Testament natural nation of Israel, we see a picture and glimpse into the New Testament kingdom of heaven in the church. God chose a special people to bless in this world, redeemed them from bondage, gave them a blessed promised land, the tabernacle and priesthood, and finally a kingdom lead by a king after God’s own heart. We can see the true covenant with Israel is pointing us towards the new covenant with the elect fulfilled in the kingdom of heaven.


Ruling & Reigning with King Jesus

The kingdom of heaven is at hand, right here and right now. There will be no kingdom set up on earth for 1,000 years. Jesus Christ has no further use for this earth other than to burn it up at his second coming. At the ascension of Christ, he assumed his scepter to rule his kingdom with a rod of iron. If we are faithful to serve God in his kingdom, we can rule and reign with Jesus Christ right now in the church kingdom.


The Eternal Kingdom of Heaven

When we are struggling in this world, there is no vision we need to see more clearly than the eternal joys of heaven. God predestinated all his children to enjoy the eternal bliss of heaven from before the world began. We have been translated into God’s kingdom by Jesus Christ’s sovereignty, and can now see and experience the spiritual blessings in this kingdom of heaven.


Let It Go

We see the amazing example of faith by the owners of the ass/colt used during Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. These owners were willing to give up their donkey for the kingdom solely by the command of the apostles that “The Lord hath need of him.” What are we willing to give up for the kingdom solely by the command that the Lord hath need of them?


Mosaic Law Summary Reference Guide

Reading through the four primary books of the law – Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy – can be an arduous task sometimes. It can be difficult to know what the whole law says on each individual subject since there are verses on each scattered throughout all four books. I attempted to compile a verse reference guide for the law by each topic. Hope this can be beneficial to you in the study of God’s word.

Click here to view and download a PDF copy of the Mosaic Law Summary Reference Guide

Click here to listen to sermon series on Jesus Christ in the Law

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