Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 22 of 57

Parable of the Sower – The Way Side

In the Parable of the Sower, we find the first group that hears the word of the kingdom – the way side. These born-again children of God have a problem – they hear the word, but they don’t “understand” it. Before they can understand it, the devil comes to confuse them before they press into the kingdom. When we preach the gospel, we can bring God’s children from darkness to light, from the influence of Satan to Christ, and to the joy and salvation that the gospel gives to the Lord’s little children.


Parable of the Sower – A Key to the Kingdom

The parable of the sower teaches a very important lesson of time salvation that is a “key” to the kingdom that will unlock many spiritual truths in the scriptures. We can understand from this parable that there are different aspects of salvation taught in the scriptures and God’s children will have different responses to the preached gospel. Considering all of God’s innumerable elect family, there will only be a few faithful disciples walking in the strait gate and narrow way of discipleship in the church.


Pressing Into the Kingdom

We cannot put our discipleship into auto-pilot. We must be purposeful and zealous and focused to press into the kingdom of heaven. There are many obstacles that can prevent us from pressing fervently into the kingdom as we ought. We must endure the tribulation and diligently press towards the King and closer fellowship with Jesus Christ in the kingdom of heaven.


Following Your Heart – The Lord Directeth His Steps

We need to exercise great caution when following our heart. While the natural heart is deceitful and wicked, when God gives us a new heart in regeneration, we now have the ability to follow God’s guidance by His Spirit in our hearts. We might devise our own ways, but the Lord will providentially direct our steps. The Lord will guide us according to his will in the burdens of our heart.


Entering Into the Abundant Life

Jesus came that we might have eternal life, but he also came that we can lay hold on that eternal life now, that we can live the abundant life. For God’s children, there are two paths set before us – the strait gate and narrow way that leads to the abundant life; and then the wide gate and broad way that leads to destruction, misery, sorrow, and God’s chastisement. Let us choose to serve God in the strait gate and narrow way and experience the joys of the abundant life here in the kingdom of heaven.


Accuser of the Brethren is Cast Down

Satan is the accuser of the brethren, trying to get God’s children to doubt their eternal assurance in the blood of Jesus Christ. On the cross, Jesus Christ crushed the head of the wicked serpent. The sins of all of God’s people were paid by Christ on the cross and any accusation of the devil has been cast down. Who can lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? No one, not even the accuser of the brethren who has been cast down.


An Expected End

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” (Jer. 29:11)

This verse in Jeremiah 29:11 is used very often in Christianity today to teach that God has “a future and a hope” for all people in this world to encourage seeking the Lord’s will. Oftentimes, it is even used to promote guaranteed prosperity in this world, that we will only have peace in our lives if we are truly following God. Instead, the proper interpretation of this verse, and our life experiences as well, shows that this world is the opposite of peaceful and our path in life will rarely be easy. What is our response to the tribulation and challenges in this life? We faithfully endure suffering in bondage now looking forward in hope to our final “expected end” in heaven with our God. Jesus promised us tribulation in this world (John 16:33). The Old Testament Israelites in Babylon knew well the tribulation and suffering that bondage inflicts upon God’s people. However, in the midst of bondage, pain, and suffering, we are given hope. We are given hope of a better day; hope that after the suffering of this world, there will be a restoration of perfect peace in the promised land with our God. Let us serve God faithfully in bondage today, looking expectantly towards the everlasting peace we will receive in our eternal expected end in heaven.

Discouraged & Encouraged In The Way

The Israelites became very discouraged because of the Lord’s way in the wilderness, leading them to murmur against the Lord’s blessings. We are very prone to get discouraged in the narrow way of discipleship, to become weary in well doing. We need to encourage ourselves in the Lord when we get discouraged, taking courage from the source of all our strength, Jesus Christ.


The Kingdom of Heaven is At Hand

God prophesied both to David and to Daniel that in the days of the Roman empire that the God of heaven would set up a kingdom. Jesus Christ set up his visible church kingdom in his ministry – declaring the kingdom of heaven is “at hand” – the kingdom is right here and right now. This church kingdom that Jesus established will stand forever, until the second coming of the King.


Living & Walking in the Spirit

Clear Springs PBC Meeting. Elder Buddy Abernathy continues examining the two kinds of people in this world, now focusing on the children of God who walk by the Spirit. We have an internal conflict – a warfare – each day and must make a deliberate decision to walk in the Spirit and live in the Spirit each day of our life.


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