Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 20 of 57

Taking the Name of Jesus Christ

Visiting minister Elder Luke Hagler teaches the importance of respecting and honoring the name of God with our actions. God’s name is reverend, high, and holy, and we should treat his name with due reverence. We can take the name of God in vain through much more than just our speech. We take a new name by birth, by marriage, and by adoption. God has borned, married, and adopted us into his family. Therefore, we should be very vigilant to watch our actions that our lives may give glory to the name of Jesus Christ and not shame.


Walking in the Light (Topical Survey of 1st John)

God is Light, and in him is no darkness at all. Praise God for the creative power of God to send light (both natural and spiritual) that always conquers darkness! Now, that we have been given light by Christ we are called to be the light of the world. We are called to walk in the Light and walk in fellowship with Jesus Christ. We should not walk in darkness, but we should walk in fellowship and communion, abiding in Jesus Christ, the True Light.


Parable of the Hidden Treasure & Pearl of Great Price

In the kingdom of heaven parables, we find two significant parables given to the disciples, the parables of the treasure and the pearl. The treasure is hidden in a field, but for the joy thereof, we sell all that we have to possess that field. Not everyone can see and understand the treasure, and that should make us so much more thankful that God in his providence has allowed us to possess that treasure. There are some “seeking goodly pearls” but are not satisfied with what they have thus far. They are seeking something better, and we hope we can model the treasure and pearl in such a way that others would desire to seek the kingdom from the testimony and light of our lives.


Parable of the Mustard Seed & the Leaven

Jesus delivered 2 similar kingdom parables in Matt. 13 showing the expansive nature of the kingdom of God. The mustard seed starts out as small and not very impressive but will grow into the greatest of herbs. Then the nature of the leaven is to spread and grow and expand until it has consumed the whole loaf of bread. The nature of the kingdom of God should be to expand and grow, as we see in the book of Acts. If the kingdom is not expanding, we have to honestly examine ourselves and see the pattern of the early church where the kingdom was spreading like leaven to fill the whole earth.


Life (Topical Survey of 1st John)

One of the greatest themes in the Gospel of John and in 1st John is “life”. Jesus Christ is the source of all life – physical life, spiritual life, and the abundant life too. It is through belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God that we can lay hold on eternal life that is ours through Christ, who is our life. We can feel the power of the abundant life when we walk in close fellowship and abide in our Lord Jesus Christ.


Parables of Wheat/Tares and the Net

As we conclude the parable of the sower and see the different and varying degrees of fruit borne by God’s children, we might be tempted to judge harshly those who are not living as godly as they ought. In the next parable after the sower, Jesus warns against this Pharisaical desire to judge others’ eternal state. Jesus warns that we should not attempt to root out who we perceive to be tares because we might accidentally damage the good wheat. Instead, we simply wait until the harvest of Christ’s second coming when he will divide the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares, and the good fish from the bad fish.


Priest Forever After the Order of Melchisedec

Elder Jonathan Wise considers the mysterious character of Melchisedec, the king of Salem and the priest of the most high God. Melchisedec appears for just a few verses to bless Abram and receive tithes of him. One more reference to the eternal priesthood of Melchisedec in Psalms, and then an exposition of his priesthood in Hebrews. We see the beautiful picture of Melchisedec as the picture of Christ, who is our Great High Priest forever, not of the Levitical priesthood, but a Priest forever after the order of Melchisedec.


You’re Saved by Grace – Now What?

Lic. Morgan Sims lays the foundation for eternal salvation by God’s sovereign grace alone. But what do we do now that we have been saved? There is much work now to do in service to God. From Colossians 3, we consider the thankful lifestyle that should be exhibited by saved by grace Christians. There are things of the flesh that we should put off and there are garments of salvation as the elect of God that we should put on. Our life should be a testimony of the grace of Jesus Christ that can be seen and exhibited to others around us each day.


Beulah Land

We love to sing the sweet song, Beulah Land, looking forward to our sweet home in heaven. We consider Isaiah 62:4, the only occurrence in scripture where we find Beulah Land, which literally means “Married” Land. Because of our sin, as the bride of Christ, we were Forsaken, but through Christ we have now Delight in the Lord. The land of Zion was Desolate but God promised future beauty for ashes and would return to Married with our beloved Husband. We can experience great joy and fellowship with Jesus Christ here in the foretaste of Beulah Land now, looking toward our final Married Land in heaven with Christ, our beloved Husband friend.

Preached at Tyler PBC (Tyler, TX) on 7/3/2022.


Parable of the Sower – The Good Ground

After examining all the challenges of the unfruitful grounds, in the parable of the sower, we now arrive at the good ground. Even in the good ground, we still see a good bit of variability of fruitfulness, some 100-fold, some 60, and some 30. We must put the kingdom of God first in our lives. It’s easy to get distracted and let other things distract our vision from the kingdom and from Christ. We must abide in Jesus Christ, abide in the True Vine, to bring forth much fruit to the glory of God.


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