Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 2 of 57

Knowing the Shepherd’s Voice

All of the Lord’s sheep hear and know the voice of the Good Shepherd. While not all sheep know in depth knowledge of the name or identity of the Shepherd, all of the sheep know the Shepherd’s voice in regeneration. Also, all of the sheep will follow the Shepherd in discipleship, even if through a glass darkly with limited knowledge.


Jesus Christ & Him Crucified

Visiting minister Elder Mike Rodgers brings us back to the central message of the gospel and the church – Jesus Christ and his crucifixion and his subsequent resurrection. This was the central theme of the Apostle Paul’s ministry and preaching in Corinth and is also the central theme of the gospel message of the church here today as well.


A Mother’s Love

On Mother’s Day, we consider the depth of a mother’s love that goes down all the way to the soul. The tenderness and love of mothers to their children is arguably the greatest love this side of heaven. If the love from mothers is so great and deep, how much more so is the love of our God to his children!


Living in Expectation of Christ’s Second Coming

God has instilled inside the heart of his children an expectant looking towards the second coming of Jesus Christ. While we might get busy and not be in tune with that, there is a hope inside of every child of God that expectantly desires and looks forward to Christ’s return. Living in expectation of Christ’s return also has a sanctifying and purifying effect in our lives to make us live more godly in service to Christ.


Following the Good Shepherd

Jesus Christ is the good Shepherd and guides his sheep into the good pasture of the abundant life. The way we lay hold on the abundant life is by following the pattern of the good Shepherd and laying down our life for the sheep. The greatest abundant life is not indulging our own convenience, but in giving our life for the benefit of others, the sheep of the Lord.


Conquering Fear

Fear is a natural emotion that we all have and sometimes struggle with, but fear left unchecked can create torment and bondage in our lives. We consider together the ways in which fear might be expressed in our lives, and also the remedies and weapons the Lord has given us to conquer the spirit of fear. In this study guide and sermons, we consider together how we can live in freedom and conquer fear in our lives.

Click here to download a PDF copy of Conquering Fear (Study Notes)

Click here to listen to the sermon series on Conquering Fear.

Conquering Fear

These messages on conquering fear were delivered by Pastor David at Macedonia from January to April 2024. Fear is a natural emotion that we all have and sometimes struggle with, but fear left unchecked can create torment and bondage in our lives. We consider together the ways in which fear might be expressed in our lives, and also the remedies and weapons the Lord has given us to conquer the spirit of fear.

Click here to download a PDF copy of Conquering Fear (Study Notes)


Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.

Fear Not

Fear of God vs Spirit of Fear

Fear of the Unknown

Fear of Being Overwhelmed (Stress)

Fear of Man

Fear of Death

Remedies for Fear – The Fear of God

Remedies for Fear – Power of Christ

Remedies for Fear – Perfect Love

Remedies for Fear – A Sound Mind

Remedies for Fear – Faith (Believing & Trusting God)

Remedies for Fear – Prayer

Conquering Fear Through Prayer

In a summary message on how we can conquer fear, we consider what should be our first response when fear creeps in, which is to pray unto Jesus Christ. When we are overwhelmed and consumed with the fears of this world, let’s cast our cares upon Christ and take up his easy yoke and light burden and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard our minds from fear.


I Once Was Blind, But Now I See

Jesus Christ chose to heal a blind man who had been blind from birth in John 9. We see the beautiful example of the testimony of this man – I once was blind, but now I see. We all have a testimony similar to this man – this is who I was, this is who I am, and the only difference is Jesus Christ who changed my life. Let’s be bold to share that testimony of Christ’s change in our lives in healing us from our blindness.


Conquering Fear Through Faith

Even when we walk by faith, there are always seeds of doubt that remain in our minds. The real challenge is what do we do with that doubt? If doubt is allowed to grow, doubt will create fear, and fear will diminish our faith, leading to little faith or maybe even no faith in our walk of discipleship. What is the remedy for fear? To simply trust God, believe God’s word and his promises, and to walk by faith.


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