Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 19 of 57

Charity: The Pinnacle of Christian Discipleship

We see from the New Testament scriptures that the pinnacle of Christian maturity and perfection is agape love, charity in action. We need to be growing towards a love like Jesus Christ, a sacrificial deference to others over ourselves. We are never more like Jesus Christ than when we show love to others who are not worthy of our love.


Parable of the Ten Virgins

In light of the second coming of Jesus Christ, we can learn from the parable of the ten virgins. In waiting for the coming of the bridegroom, all ten of the virgins fell asleep being watchful. Five of those virgins were diligent in preparing oil for the long watch. Five foolish virgins did not bring the proper oil and their lamps went out when the bridegroom came. Let us trim our lamps with proper oil to be prepared to welcome Jesus Christ at his second coming.


Parable of the Marriage Feast

We see another parable of the kingdom of heaven of an invitation to the Son’s marriage feast that primarily rebukes the Jews who rejected and ultimately killed Jesus Christ and his apostles. Then, we see the Gentiles invited into the feast, and they joyfully come. There was one attendee who did not adorn the proper marriage garment, who was cast out. Let us come unto the marriage feast with the proper garments that are glorifying to our Lord.


Loving Your Brother

If God is Love, then to follow after Christ, we must follow his example to love others as Jesus Christ has loved us. If we hate our brother, how can we truly say we are following Jesus Christ in sincere discipleship? The church is called to love one another as Christ has loved his bride, and gave himself for it. One practical way we give our life for our brethren, is by giving up our natural goods to help those that are in need.


Parable of the Vineyard Workers

Jesus gave us a parable of vineyard workers going out into the fields at different times of the day, but ultimately receiving the same compensation, according to the will of the master. We are prone to the same pride and superiority as the original Jews, to think we have more rights and privileges in the kingdom than those who have just arrived, like the Gentiles. Every member and person in the kingdom of heaven is equal, Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, rich nor poor, male nor female, but we are all one in Jesus Christ in the kingdom.


Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, Part 2

With the different personalities and opinions in the kingdom of heaven, it is inevitable that offenses will come. Jesus Christ gave us the proper pattern for reconciling those interpersonal offenses in the church. When we consider the magnitude of the 10,000 talent debt that Christ has forgiven us from, it is incomprehensible that we would be unwilling to forgive others of comparative 100 pence debts here in our lives. By God’s grace, let us forgive others as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven us.


The Love of God

Looking through the gospel of John, we consider the amazing beauty of God’s love towards his people. God is Love. God manifested that love towards his people by sending his only Son to die for our sins. In light of that radical sacrifice of love for us, now we are called as the disciples of Christ to love one another as Christ has loved us. We should exhibit the overwhelming love of Jesus Christ to everyone that we come in contact with to honor and glorify our Loving Heavenly Father.


Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, Part 1

As we continue our examination of the kingdom of heaven parables, Jesus preaches to Peter a parable on forgiveness. Offenses are inevitable in this world, and offenses are inevitable among brothers and sisters in the church. In Matt. 18, Jesus gives us the proper pattern for dealing with personal offenses in the church. If we follow Jesus’ pattern – go alone, go with 2-3 witnesses, go to the church – then we will have the Holy Spirit’s presence in reconciling our offenses to renew fellowship. Let us be very careful to guard our words and our actions to not offend any of God’s little ones.


Putting on the Elect’s Spiritual Garments

God’s people must make a daily decision to “put on” the spiritual garments that are fitting for the elect. We must also make a conscious decision also to “put off” the works of the flesh and mortify our old man. We then must “put on” Jesus Christ and the attributes that adorn a righteous public testimony. The pinnacle of Christian discipleship is charity, love in action, which is the bond of perfectness. We need to put on these spiritual garments of the elect to glorify our great God and love others as Christ loved us.

Click here to view and download a PDF outline of this topic.

Preached at Salt & Light Conference at Tyler PBC (Tyler, TX) on 8/5/2022.


Almighty Love, Arrest That Man

From the hymn “Hail, Sovereign Love” we see the command given by the voice of the Son of God at the moment of regeneration. The dead, alien sinner is “arrested” and overtaken by the power of Christ at the new birth. Regeneration is not an invitation where Christ is trying to entice the sinner to choose him. We see through the example of Jacob, the thief on the cross, and Saul of Tarsus that Christ is sovereign to arrest and overwhelm during the power of the new birth.

Preached at Beulah PBC (Leeds, AL) on 7/31/2022.


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