Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 18 of 57

Heal Our Land – The Danger of Prosperity

Arguably the greatest danger for God’s people has always been excess prosperity. Dating all the way back to the Israelites entering Canaan, when God’s people encountered prosperity that they did not earn, we always get full, lazy, complacent, and ultimately sinful. When we sin, God will send spiritual drought, famine, locusts, and pestilence. Thankfully, God is always gracious to hear his repentant people when we turn from our sins.


Belief & Faith

In considering a topical survey of 1st John, we see the strong emphasis by the Apostle John on believing on Jesus Christ. Belief in Christ is the only public identifier by which we have biblical authority to offer assurance to children of God. Also, belief is a daily activity, not a one-time action when we join the church. Lord bless us to believe in Jesus Christ more fully and completely!


Heal Our Land

When we consider the spiritual condition of our churches and the kingdom as a whole, it would be hard to reach any other conclusion than we are in a spiritual drought and famine. If that is the case, if we are in a drought, that is evidence that in some area, we are disobedient to the Lord. Let us examine our spiritual condition and make the changes necessary for God to “heal our land” in the kingdom of God.


Back to Basics – Total Depravity & God’s Love

When we consider God’s salvation of sinners, if we properly understand man’s dead in sins, totally depraved state then we can easily see that our only hope must be in God’s unmerited favor and grace. In our sinful natures, there is none good, none righteous, no not one. Man is not sick or drowning, but he is dead with no ability to come unto God. Then, when we see how wretched we are in our nature, what a sweet sound when we hear the message of salvation by grace alone and the finished work of Jesus Christ and God’s incomprehensible love towards us!


Dealing with Discouragement, Depression & Suicide

Common to Man

It is inevitable that we will experience periods of discouragement in our lives. This world is fallen and cursed due to Adam’s sin and our further transgressions. Troubles and tribulations that can lead to discouragement are inevitable in our lives. In this world, we “shall have tribulation”, but in spite of that, we can still “be of good cheer” because Christ has “overcome the world” (John 16:33). Prolonged periods of discouragement can lead to depression. As the word implies, “depression” means a state of being “pressed down”. We feel the heavy weight of fears, doubts, our own sins, this world, and many other things. The heavy weight of this world’s burdens can press us down to remain in a low, depressed emotional and spiritual state. If prolonged depression is not addressed and corrected, we could even begin to have suicidal thoughts. We can feel that our life is not even worth living anymore. This natural progression from normal discouragement to prolonged depression to suicidal thoughts is not uncommon. Being so overwhelmed with the pressures of this world and desiring a permanent relief from that pressure is a common response for God’s children. There were times that Moses (Num. 11:15-23), Elijah (1 Kg. 19:4), Job (Job 3:11-22), and Jonah (Jonah 4:3-9) all requested for God to take their life. These men were all good, godly, righteous men, and bold in the faith at different times in their life. However, they reached a point where the weight of their trial was so great that they desired to die. These thoughts are truly common to man. Thankfully, the scriptures give us the remedy to rise from our depressed state to “renew our strength and mount up with wings as eagles” to soar over the trials of this world (Isaiah 40:28-31).

The New Birth

In considering a topical survey of the gospel of John and then 1st John, we consider the prevalent theme of the new birth. How are men born again? Are men born again by their own will, by an action/work they perform? No, we are only born again by grace, by the immediate work of the Holy Spirit in our soul based on God’s will, not our will. Now that we have a new nature in our soul, we should live out that new nature in our actions to glorify God.


Back to Basics – Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

From time to time, we need to have a refresher to get back to basics in our discipleship. The foundation of all our service to God is based on Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Our salvation by Jesus Christ on the cross, by grace alone, is the central theme of the entire church. When we consider that we have been saved by Jesus Christ alone, then we are called upon to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called.


Walking, Leaping & Praising God

Visiting minister Elder Mike Rodgers delivers a stirring message about the healing of the lame man at the temple in Acts 3. As we put ourselves into the sandals of the men in this story, it is amazing to think that Jesus most likely passed by this man many times going into the temple but did not heal him. God was waiting for an even more powerful moment that his healing was a cornerstone of the establishment of the early church. We also learn how we need to have the right expectations in our life to where we can leap and praise God for his spiritual healing in our lives!


The Kingdom of Heaven Sermons

From March to September 2022, Pastor David examined the scriptural presentation of the kingdom of heaven. It is in the kingdom of heaven in the church that we can truly experience a touch of heaven here in time, a foretaste of glory divine. Our top priority in our lives must be to seek the kingdom of heaven first and foremost (Matt. 6:33) and faithfully serve our Great King, Jesus Christ.

Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.

The Kingdom of Heaven Sermons

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of Heaven

The Eternal Kingdom of Heaven

Ruling & Reigning with King Jesus

The Spiritual Israel of God

The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You

The Kingdom of Heaven is At Hand

Entering Into the Abundant Life

Pressing Into the Kingdom

Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven

Parable of the Sower – A Key to the Kingdom

Parable of the Sower – The Way Side

Parable of the Sower – The Stony Ground

Parable of the Sower – The Thorny Ground

Parable of the Sower – The Good Ground

Parable of the Wheat/Tares & the Net

Parable of the Mustard Seed & the Leaven

Parable of the Treasure & the Pearl

Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, Part 1

Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, Part 2

Parable of the Vineyard Workers

Parable of the Marriage Feast

Parable of the Ten Virgins

Parable of the Talents

God’s Pattern for a Thriving Kingdom – The Book of Acts

Click here to listen to additional sermons from the Book of Acts on God’s Pattern for a Thriving Kingdom.

Dealing with Discouragement, Depression & Suicide

It is a very common struggle for God’s people to deal with discouragement, which can lead to depression, and even suicidal thoughts. God’s word gives us great instruction for how we can overcome these common challenges. We consider these struggles together to renew our hope in God and by God’s grace overcome these challenges and rejoice in Jesus Christ.

Click here to read an article dealing with this topic.


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