Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 16 of 57

What Does a Healthy Church Look Like to Christ?

If Jesus Christ wrote a letter to our church, what would his assessment of our church be? What does Christ consider to a healthy, God-honoring church? Looking at the letters to the 7 churches of Asia, Jesus’ assessment of the churches was most likely very surprising. The 3 churches that were the most prominent were condemned the harshest. The 2 more unimpressive churches, small and poor, were who the Lord commended the most. We consider the church at Philadelphia, who had a little strength but had a great door opened unto them by Christ.


The Good Samaritan – Go & Do Thou Likewise

Visiting minister Elder Sammy Odom considers the parable of the good Samaritan from a personal perspective. We should all ask ourselves – how far would we really be willing to go for not just a friend, but even for our enemy? Jesus Christ set the example of the true Great Samaritan who was willing to come to this world to die for his enemies.


In the Beginning was the Word

In the beginning of the Gospel of John, we are introduced to the Word. The Word was in the beginning with God and the Word was God. The amazing mystery of the incarnation is that the Word was made flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. We sometimes take for granted the amazing mystery that God became a man in Jesus Christ. The same Word that created everything visited his creation as the true Light.


Unite My Heart to Fear Thy Name

David is described in scripture as a man after God’s own heart. We all desire to pursue unity with God’s own heart. How can we be pure in heart to have unity with God? What are the characteristics of God’s own heart? When all of God’s people are pursuing Christ with unity of heart the church will be in one accord and in unity and with singleness of heart. Let us pursue unity of heart with the Lord to fear his name.

Preached at Tyler PBC (Tyler, TX) on 11/27/2022.


Holy Priesthood & Living Sacrifice

God has ordained his people as kings and priests unto the Lord. We look at the pattern of Old Testament sacrifices by the priesthood to see the living sacrifices we are to offer in the temple of our bodies in honor to God. There are many specific sacrifices we should offer as priests back unto the Lord – thanksgiving, prayer, self-sacrifice, and giving our lives up in service to God. We offer sacrifices as priests to the praise of glory of God’s grace.

Preached at Grace PBC (Pearl, MS) on 11/2/2022.


Faithful Stewardship – Parable of the Talents

We consider the last of the kingdom of heaven parables, the parable of the talents. All of God’s children have been given the gospel, the church, and even individual spiritual gifts for the benefit of the kingdom. What have we done to bring increase from what we have been entrusted with as a steward? There will come a time when our stewardship will be accounted for and we hope to be faithful and receive the blessing of the Lord instead of the judgment of Jesus Christ.


What Does Your Pastor Want?

2022 Annual Meeting. Elder Silas Ford considers the perspective of the Apostle Paul and thus the desire of all God-called pastors. What does your pastor want? Your pastor desires for your life to become and adorn and walk worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your conversation and total manner of life should exhibit and reflect the gospel of salvation by God’s grace and love by the same grace, love, and mercy that we show to others in our lives.


Stand Fast in the Liberty of Grace

2022 Annual Meeting. Elder Jeremy Wise warns against the danger of compromising the gospel of grace alone. The Galatians had been bewitched to pervert the gospel of salvation by grace alone to add in works and circumcision. We need to learn from their example, and be diligent to not compromise the gospel of God’s sovereign grace.


What Do We?

2022 Annual Meeting. Elder Silas Ford in the aftermath of Lazarus’ resurrection, a question is brought unto the wicked Pharisee leaders – what shall we do with this Jesus? That question is still relevant to us today as well. What do we do with Jesus? We cannot deny his power, miracles, and divinity. We must believe that Jesus is Christ to the glory of God the Father.


Perspective, Hold On

2022 Annual Meeting. Elder Silas Ford looks at the different perspectives at the death and later resurrection of Lazarus. Christ suffered Lazarus to pass away for the glory of God that he would be healed and that the people would believe. Many times we cannot understand exactly how everything works in the moment from our perspective. We just need to be patient and hold on and God’s providential will shall oftentimes manifest itself in our lives.


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