Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 15 of 57

Expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven, Part 3

In the latter half of the book of Acts, we see the amazing pattern for growth and expansion of the kingdom of God. Everywhere Paul went, he boldly preached the gospel publicly and then some were converted to believe the truth. We see the power of the Holy Spirit moving all throughout this book as many people were converted to the truth by the simple preaching of gospel.


Expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven, Part 2

In the book of Acts, we see God’s pattern for the growth, advancement, and expansion of the kingdom of heaven. Amazing things happen in a thriving kingdom that we see lived out in the early first century church. Today we examine Acts 6-16, seeing how the Lord blessed his early disciples in amazing ways in the kingdom of God.


Becoming the Sons of God

Do we have the power to become the sons of God by belief in Jesus Christ? Belief is the evidence, not the cause of eternal salvation. We “become” – we manifest and come onto the stage for public appearance – the sons of God in the eyes of those around us when we live out the life of Christ by our actions. There is no greater public identifying mark of a child of God than belief in Jesus Christ, and good works to back up and manifest that belief.


Expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven

In the book of Acts, we see the first chapter of the autobiography of the church. We see the amazing expansion and growth of the kingdom of heaven throughout the whole world. We begin to examine the attributes and identifying marks of the thriving kingdom of God in the original first century church. In Acts, we see what the kingdom of heavens looks like in action and sets the standard that the church today must strive towards.


The Shepherds’ Gospel

The very first group of people to receive the good news of the gospel from the angel after the birth of Christ is the shepherds. These shepherds were just doing their duty, lowly hard working men who kept the sheep, and God chose them to be first people to receive the gospel message. Then due to the great joy they had from these good tidings, they went and told many other friends of the good news of the Savior’s birth.


2023 Glad Tidings

Click the links below to read and download each month’s Glad Tidings Newsletter.

January 2023 Glad Tidings

February 2023 Glad Tidings

March 2023 Glad Tidings

April 2023 Glad Tidings

May 2023 Glad Tidings

June 2023 Glad Tidings

July 2023 Glad Tidings

August 2023 Glad Tidings

September 2023 Glad Tidings

October 2023 Glad Tidings

November 2023 Glad Tidings

December 2023 Glad Tidings

Wrestling with God

We see from the account of Jacob wrestling with a man all night before his possible deadly encounter with Esau the next day, that many times we struggle and wrestle with God in our lives. We do not rebel against God’s will or sovereignty, but God will oftentimes bring circumstances into our life to allow us to struggle and then grow stronger in our faith. When we wrestle with God in prayer with the right attitude, we will see some amazing experiences of seeing God’s face in our lives as well, just as Jacob did as he was delivered from Esau.

Preached at Tyler PBC (Tyler, TX) on 12/18/2022.


What Is A Primitive Baptist? Book

What Is A Primitive Baptist? is a title authored by David Wise in 2020. This book explains the distinctive points of doctrine and practice that identify the Original (Primitive) Baptist church in the world today.

To purchase this book through Lulu ($15), please follow this link.

To download a free PDF copy of this work, please follow this link.

To listen to 20 minute sermons on each of these topics, please follow this link.

The True Light

Jesus Christ as the Word in natural creation spoke and darkness was vanished and overcome by light. Christ is the source of all life and light, both natural and spiritual. Jesus was the True Light that came into the world, in contrast to the false light and deception of Lucifer. As John the Baptist came to bear witness of the Light, we should follow his example and bear witness of the True Light today as the light of the world.


Open Doors

One of the identifying attributes of a Christ-honoring church is a constant seeking and pursuit of open doors. Jesus Christ has the key of David and opens doors that no man can shut, and shuts doors no man can open. God will open doors for a church who remains faithful and devoted to his word and not deny his name. Open doors are many times more subtle than we might think and we need to ask, seek, and knock for the Lord to open new doors for the furtherance of the gospel.


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