Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 14 of 57

God’s Word & the Company You Keep

2023 Fellowship Meeting. Elder Rusty Wise preaches from Psalm 1 about the necessity of discerning our company through the word of God. We need to be sure to forsake ungodly influences in our lives. It is by testing our close fellowship with others through the standard of the scriptures that we are kept from sin in our lives.


2023 February Fellowship Meeting

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Congregational Singing – Saturday Morning

Congregational Singing – Saturday Afternoon

God’s Word & the Company You Keep – Elder Rusty Wise

Laying Up Treasures in Heaven – Elder Ben Shettles

The Victorious Bread of Life – Elder Joe Nettles

The Love of God Manifested Towards Us – Elder Larry Wise

Reviving Hope – Elder Buddy Abernathy

Sunday, February 26, 2023

God’s Word is More Reliable Than Personal Experience – Elder David Wise

Behold the Lamb of God

The exclamation of John the Baptist on the Jordan River 2,000 years ago is the same message of all the Bible, of all eternity – Behold the Lamb! We see the theme of the Lamb all throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We see the Old Testament continually pointing towards the necessity of the shedding of the lamb’s blood to atone for sins. In Christ, the Lamb came and took away the sins of the world. Then, the Lamb is set to return to bring his precious bride home!


How Do We Evangelize?

We see the pattern of evangelism of the original church – the rank and file members of the church went everywhere preaching the word. They shared their joy in the good news of Christ with everyone they came in contact with, and we should follow their example. The foundation of this evangelism is a godly life that is a witness to the gospel that we profess. Without an integrity and godliness within our daily lives, we have no credibility to share the good news with others. Our conversation should become the glorious gospel of unconditional love and grace that we profess.


They Went Everywhere Preaching the Word

One of the chief identifying attributes of the kingdom of God is a body of believers that are excited and zealous to share God’s word with others. Sharing God’s word with others should be a natural expression and overflowing in our lives from our love of the gospel. Evangelism is just as simple as declaring your experience – telling others your witness and testimony of God’s grace in your life.


A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

We see John the Baptist as the forerunner of Jesus Christ. He was called to challenge the religious elitism of the day that put men in bondage. To tear down the prideful mountains of the Pharisees and to exalt the downtrodden poor in spirit oppressed by them. As with all the ministry, John was called to a voice, not to exalt himself. We should follow John’s example of simply being a voice to point others to the Lamb.


Zealous, Devoted, Full-Time Ministry

One of the most important identifying attributes of the kingdom of God, is a full time, fully invested ministry. The pattern today is rarely for a full time minister to be fully supported by the church, but that should be the biblical pattern that we should strive towards. The ministry is not a part time, weekend calling, but we are called to cease not to preach and teach, to give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.


Bold, Public Preaching of the Gospel

One of the most vital mandates of the original church was a commitment and focus on preaching the gospel externally to people outside the church. God’s ordained means of growth and expansion of the kingdom is the preaching of the gospel. We need to recommit to an external focus on sharing God’s word with those outside the church to grow and expand the kingdom of God.


Full of Grace & Truth

We see that the Word was made flesh and dwelt (tabernacled) among mortal men for some 33.5 years. When God became a man in Jesus Christ, he was full of grace and truth. Now, Christ bestows so much grace upon grace, abounding grace in our lives unto his people. Christ is so rich in grace, he will never run out of bestowing unmerited favor unto his dear children.


Wait on the Holy Spirit – God Giveth the Increase

In God’s growth in his kingdom, the first step is actually to wait. We must wait on the Holy Spirit to guide and direct and open the right doors at the right time. It is difficult to wait patiently on the Lord’s will, and not get impatient and make poor decisions. God is the only one who gives increase in the kingdom of God. We may through different seasons in the church, planting, watering, purging, and then hopefully increase. Let us not be weary in well doing during what might appear to be the lean seasons in the kingdom of God.


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