Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 11 of 57

Jesus Christ in the Law

These messages were delivered by Pastor David on the Gospel of Grace Radio Broadcast from November 2022 to August 2023. Sometimes the books of the Mosaic Law can become tedious and maybe even boring. However, when we read the law searching for Jesus Christ, the law takes on a much greater excitement. We spend time examining the Mosaic law and consider together how the law truly “testifies” of our coming Redeemer, Jesus Christ. “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” (John 5:39)

In conjunction with this sermon series, you may view and download the Mosaic Law Summary Reference Guide that groups all of the law into topics with verse references for each commandment.

Click here to view & download a PDF study guide of the Mosaic Law Summary Reference Guide


Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.

Search the Scriptures – The Purpose of the Law

The Ten Commandments

Christ, Our City of Refuge

Cleansing of the Leper

Christ, Our Beloved Husband

Christ, Our Kinsman Redeemer

Christ, Our Sabbath Rest

Christ, Our Jubilee

The Priesthood – A Holy Priesthood

The Priesthood – Christ, Our Great High Priest

The Tabernacle – The Outer Court & Holy Place

The Tabernacle – The Holy of Holies

Offerings – Burnt Offering & Sin Offering

Offerings – Other Offerings

Offerings – Day of Atonement – Part 1

Offerings – Day of Atonement – Part 2

Feasts – Passover & Feast of Unleavened Bread

Feasts – The Feasts of Firstfruits & Pentecost

Feasts – The Feasts of Trumpets & Tabernacles

Fulfilled to a Jot & Tittle

Passion & Love for God’s Word

We cannot separate a passionate love for God from a passionate love for God’s word. As seen in the book of Acts, a church in its first love state will hunger for God’s word through personal study, excitement to hear the preaching of the gospel, and a desire to openly discuss God’s word with others. May the Spirit give us a more fervent passion and love for the word of God.


Effectual, Fervent Prayers

The original church displayed its consistent commitment to prayer meetings, petitioning the Lord’s blessings during times of great need. We see and learn from their pattern of seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit through prayer meetings to discern the Lord’s will for our local churches. When we pray unto the Lord during times of great need, our loving Father is always gracious to bless his children with what we need.


For God So Loved the World

In considering the most well-known verse in all of Christianity, John 3:16, we look at the full context of this verse and examine Jesus’ intended meaning through the OT lesson of the brazen serpent. God’s chosen people in the OT (not all the inhabitants of the world) that had been bitten by serpents were offered the opportunity for healing and salvation by choosing to look upon the serpent. In the same way, God’s born-again children can look to the cross in belief in Christ to receive deliverance, healing, peace and salvation in our walk of discipleship.


Ministering to the Needs of Our Community

Pure religion and undefiled is supposed to be caring for the needs of the most disadvantaged in our communities, especially the widows and orphans. Ever since the Old Testament, the Lord has cared for the most desolate and destitute in this world, exemplified by his care and provision for both the widows and orphans. The church today should be the last (and first) line of defense in caring for the orphans and widows in this world.


Ye Must Be Born Again

Jesus explains to Nicodemus by night the necessity of the new birth and the effects of the wind of new birth we see in children of God’s lives. God borns his people again from above, just as every good and perfect gift comes down from above. Jesus Christ declares his sovereignty in the new birth that allows us to see, experience, and press into the kingdom of God.


Radical Giving & Generosity

One amazing attribute of the original church was the radical giving of material possessions to help others in need. We consider our attitude toward giving that extends far beyond our finances and the financial support of the church. Do we have a mindset of giving in every area of our lives? Giving in our finances, giving our time, giving of our possessions, for the benefit of others and for the glory of God.


Living from Psalm 23

Visiting minister Elder Mike Rodgers considers Psalm 23 and how it is a psalm for living, not just for death and funerals. The Lord is our precious Shephard who cares for his children. He leads us beside still, gentle waters, not raging rivers. He gives us hope for the mountaintop in the valley of the shadow of death. He restores our souls when we are discouraged. He promises that he shall bless and keep us all the days of our life and grant us to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


Radical Repentance & Faith, Part 2

The consistent message of the original church was to call men to repent and place their faith in Christ to press into the kingdom. The display of repentance and faith is the basic building block of the kingdom of God. When we see the Spirit move in a powerful way, we also see radical conversions. Radical, drastic changes in the manner of life that give testimony to the power of God and draw others into the kingdom of God.


Cleansing of the Temple

In Jesus’ first public act after the announcement of his public ministry by his first miracle of turning water into wine, in Jerusalem, his first act was to cleanse the temple of filthy lucre. Jesus did the same thing three years later in his first act after his triumphal entry, he cleansed the temple again. The Lord expects purity in his house in the church and holiness in the temple of our bodies as well.


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