Salvation by Grace Alone, Simple Family-Integrated Worship

Author: Pastor David Page 10 of 57

Fields White unto Harvest

The Samaritan woman was so overflowing with joy and love having just met her Lord, that she dropped her waterpot and ran into town to tell men who despised her to come and see Christ. We should follow her pattern of evangelism and be so overjoyed with Christ to share the gospel with even those who despise us. The disciples had prejudical and preconceived notions to where they did not want to interact with the Samaritans at all, let alone share the gospel. God’s people are everywhere and the fields are white unto harvest, but the harvest might look a lot different than the might assume.


The Good Hand of God

Nehemiah is given an amazing open door and opportunity to offer the burdens of his heart to the king and make a request to return and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. The Lord tendered the king’s heart to graciously grant his request. Nehemiah saw the providential “good hand of God” moving in this situation, and that gave him the courage and boldness to start the work despite any opposition. We can always see the good hand of God in our lives as well, blessing, protecting, and even chastising us, when necessary.


Prayer for Mercy & Restoration

When Nehemiah was informed of the affliction in Jerusalem, that the walls were broken down and gates burned, he mourns, fasts, and prays for 4 months. Nehemiah’s prayer sets a great example of the type of prayer of confession and repentance that we should pray as well. We must confess our sins, acknowledge the righteousness of God in upholding his word, and beg for God’s mercy to send restoration and revival in accordance with his covenant.


True Worship in Spirit & Truth

The Samaritan woman had a misunderstanding of true worship, similar to many in Christianity today. Jesus clarifies that God is actively seeking true worshippers who are committed to worship in Spirit and truth. We need zeal and the Spirit in worship, but it’s also vitally important to worship according to the truth of God’s word. When we examine the truth of New Testament worship, we find a simple pattern where all the attention is focused on Jesus Christ and he receives all the glory.


Introduction to Nehemiah

As we begin a study of the book of Nehemiah, we consider an overview of the broad themes and lessons of this book. Nehemiah is burdened by God to go home to Jerusalem to lead the people in rebuilding the broken down walls, and God providentially blesses him at each step of the way. We can learn from the pattern of Nehemiah and the people in his day as we all take responsibility to repair our portion of the walls of Zion.


Drinking of the Living Water

On his journey returning to Galilee, Jesus took the direct route that most Jews avoided; he must needs go through Samaria. There was a woman living in sin who needed to taste the living waters of belief springing up into her soul unto everlasting life. After hearing and believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the living water was bursting out of her so abundantly that she drops her water pots and goes to evangelize her community, Come see a man that told me all things that ever I did, is not this the Christ!


God’s Pattern for a Thriving Kingdom – The Book of Acts

From January to July 2023, Pastor David considered the Book of Acts, focusing on the identifying attributes of the original kingdom of God that was growing and expanding exponentially. As we pray for God to bless the kingdom of heaven to grow and thrive today, we should see these same attributes among our churches today to invite the Holy Spirit to send revival in the kingdom of God.


Click on each sermon link below to listen to the message in another window.

Expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven – Part 1

Expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven – Part 2

Expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven – Part 3

Wait on the Holy Spirit – God Giveth the Increase

Bold, Public Preaching of the Gospel

Zealous, Devoted, Full-Time Ministry

They Went Everywhere Preaching the Word

How Do We Evangelize? – Part 1

How Do We Evangelize? – Part 2

How Do We Evangelize? – Part 3

Counted Worthy of Persecution for Christ’s Name

Signs, Wonders & Healings

Radical Repentance & Faith – Part 1

Radical Repentance & Faith – Part 2

Radical Giving & Generosity

Ministering to the Needs of Our Community

Effectual, Fervent Prayers

Passion & Love for God’s Word

Walking in the Fear of the Lord

Unity & One Accord

Daily Activities of the Kingdom

Daily Activities of the Kingdom

The kingdom of God is a perpetual daily kingdom that should be active every single day. We examine all the things the early church did on a “daily” basis that we should also be engaged in each day as well. As a result of their “daily” devotion, the Lord also added to the church “daily”. If we are faithful in our daily service to the Lord, we hope the Lord might increase his kingdom, according to his will.


He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease

John the Baptist had an admirable “contentment” in his calling and ministry. He knew his primary role was not to be the center of attention, but to deflect attention away from himself, that Christ would be increased, and he would be decreased. We should all follow the pattern of John the Baptist, to exalt and increase Jesus Christ and to decrease any attention upon ourselves.


Unity & One Accord

The original church was in perfect unity, in one accord, in one heart and soul. God has ordained diversity among the members of the body of Christ but yet those diverse parts must operate in unity under the direction of our Head, Jesus Christ. We must take heed to not let pride, gossip, and other perils disrupt the unity of the kingdom of God. God can and will do powerful things for a church functioning in unity.


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